Raise a glass to a gutsy lady:

‘It was either going to be him or my son. And it wasn’t going to be my son.
On Christmas Day, 18-year-old Sarah McKinley lost her husband to lung cancer, leaving her the sole caregiver to their three-month-old son.
On New Year’s Eve, the Oklahoma mother proved she was anything but defenceless after she shot and killed an intruder breaking into her home.
Two men tried breaking into Ms McKinley’s house, one armed with a 12-inch hunting knife. While on the phone with 911, the young mother shot and killed one of the intruders with a 12-gauge shotgun after he passed the threshold…’

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13 Responses to Raise a glass to a gutsy lady:

  1. Darin says:

    12ga double,good choice! :grin:

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    Give the lady a medal.

  3. Darin says:

    They’ve set up a fund for donations for her and the baby-


  4. Kris K says:

    What was said:

    SARAH MCKINLEY: Yes, I’ve got two guns in my hands. Is it okay to shoot him if he comes in this door?

    DISPATCHER: Well, you have to do whatever you can do to protect yourself. I can’t tell you that you can do that, but you do what you have to do to protect your baby. Is he trying to get in the door?

    Now lets imagine how that conversation would have gone down here in NZ.

    DISPATCHER: Well, you better put those guns away for a start. You say he has a 12″ hunting knife? Do you have a bigger knife he might be interested in doing a trade for? Or perhaps you could invite him in and ask if he’d like a nice cup of tea. He’s probably just lonely and the holidays are making him depressed – try being his friend. You never know, he may have had a hard up bringing not to mention that his mummy never breast-fed him.
    There are no police available – how about I send over a CYF [Child, Youth & Family] worker instead.

    SARAH MCKINLEY: Gurgling sound as throat is slit.

  5. Darin says:

    Sent this link to KG the otherday,what you posted for NZ could just as easily apply to GB judging by the comments-


    • Kris K says:

      Thanks, Darin – I think if things continue to get worse [here in NZ, GB, etc] people will start arming themselves, legally or not. Increasingly the state is just not protecting its citizenry. Or the state itself is becoming the enemy.

  6. Moist von Lipwig says:

    Glass duly raised :smile:

  7. oswald bastable says:

    Nothing says ‘Cease and desist’ quite like a 12-gauge. Except a 10-gauge…

  8. GunRights4US says:

    I didn’t care much for the “Pistol Packin Mama” and the “Make My Day” super and subscripts in the one frame. I took it as the media trying to draw allusions to some 20’s era gangster or a female Dirty Harry. This very brave young Widow just defended what was left of her family by killing a man with a shotgun at close range – in her living room! I, for one, resented the trivial-assed media trying to trivialize this young heroine’s deed.

  9. kowtow says:

    Saw this story on tvnz abc news last night .
    Very interesting. The pity is she didn’t get the other f2cker who was at her door. He subsequently surrendered to police.
    30 states allow what she did. That means 20 others don’t. In those apparently the victim of a potentially fatal or life destroying crime must back off initially before they can defend themselves or their homes. So 20 states removed the right to self defense or at least made it easier for criminals to violate your right to life .
    Stephen Franks is very good on this point in NZ law and how the state keeps interfering and taking over more responsibility in our lives, by removing legal protection from property owners and reserving those rights to itself.