Shocking film footage released!

Dachau. July 25 1943
American troops pictured sneering and laughing at dead Waffen SS soldiers.
‘Mr. Hitler called the actions “completely inhumane.” The National Socialist German Workers’ Party called it “shocking.” And the Waffen SS spokesman issued a statement accusing US forces of committing numerous “indignities” against the German people.
“First they killed the Germans with mortars, and they then urinated on their bodies,” Waffen SS spokesman Heinz Hoffmeister said of what is shown in the film. “We strongly condemn this inhumane action by the wild American soldiers.”
A U.S. Army spokesman said that, if identified, the soldiers would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. “These soldiers were invited to visit Dachau by our partners in peace negotiations, and it is totally unacceptable for them to treat German dead in this way” he said. “the fact that they were surrounded by – and upset at – piles of living skeletons dressed in funny striped pajamas is no excuse for them to fall short of the standards we expect of the U.S. Army”.
Update: Ronbo has done a much better job of this.

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31 Responses to Shocking film footage released!

  1. WAKE UP says:

    I haven’t any doubt that it’s a military tradition (which the armchair critics simply will not get).

    • KG says:

      And I have no doubt at all that publishing and sensationalising stories such as this, is part of the leftist media’s campaign to emasculate the West’s military.

  2. Ronbo says:

    We have the New Media of the Internet, so who cares what the reactionary Left Turd Media says about anything anymore?

    No rational person buys their newspapers, reads their magazines, or watches their television channels.

    It’s all lies, disinformation and propaganda…the old Soviet media reborn.

    • KG says:

      The problem is, Ronbo that the vast majority of people do watch their television channels.
      And like it or not, the public’s view of the world is shaped by television.

      • Ronbo says:

        I assure you the people who watch the state controlled media and believe it are not the people in the world who count.

        We are…

        Did you know the American Revolution was the work of less than ten percent of the population who were influenced by one determined man in Boston, Massachusetts by the name of Sam Adams?

        I predict this next series of revolutions already breaking due to the collapse of Western “Democratic” Socialism will be likewise be the work of the most productive ten percent fed up with the Big Lie.

  3. Darin says:

    And now that this is in the news Hillary and Obama are “outraged” and whoever was involved will be “severely disciplined”.

    Whoever means whoever they pick for a scapegoat of course,just any Three Marines will do so long as it makes the administration look better :evil:

  4. WAKE UP says:

    And of course we wouldn’t want to make Michelle angry

  5. oswald bastable says:

    The radio is on in the background and some smarmy leftie talkback host is going on about how awful this is. Can’t understand why callers don’t think it’s a big deal compared with getting bombed or shot… :twisted:

    • KG says:

      This sort of thing is exploited ruthlessly by the leftists, because there’s nothing they’d like better than to see Western power crippled.
      I see The Department of Justice has just released a memo claiming that Obama’s “recess” appointments are legal (!) yet the same pricks refused to prosecute the Black Panthers and will no doubt be at the forefront of pushing for the Marines to be hung out to dry.

  6. mawm says:

    People who comment about how troops behave towards the enemy have never been in a situation where every second of the day that enemy has been doing its damnest to kill them, they have never been in a situation where bullets or bombs have been threatening their life and they do not know the relief one feels at not being that corpse on the ground………..they also do not know that being in such a position gives you a deep loathing for those who have been trying to kill you. :evil:

    The press and all these gushing commentators have no right to criticize any soldier.

    • KG says:

      In fact, the reaction of pissing on the bodies and treating the enemy as something less than human is absolutely necessary if soldiers are to do the job properly.
      Otherwise, to view the enemy as fully human results in a reluctance (no matter how slight, it can still be fatal) to act and in major psych problems at the individual and the unit level, during and after the action.
      Once shot, it’s just so much meat and if civilians can’t deal with that they need to take an effing reality pill and stop commenting on things they know nothing about.
      Half the problem is that clowns who’ve watched a few videos really, truly believe they know what it’s like.
      They don’t.

      • oswald bastable says:

        Yep, they have watched ‘Saving Private Ryan’ and know what it was like on the beaches of Normandy…

    • Darin says:

      I’ve noticed the deep embed war corespondents almost never criticize the troops.Something about facing death armed with a camera that changes them.

  7. KG says:

    To go a little further…I believe this is part of a carefully orchestrated campaign to facilitate the “peace process (ie surrender terms) with the Taliban, in exactly the same way the fucking Blair government in Britain threw some Paras and SAS guys to the wolves to grease the surrender to the IRA.
    These Marines, if this trivial act can be pinned on them, are fodder for Obama’s political packaging of defeat. :evil:

    • mawm says:

      How about that POS Karzai, who owes his very life to America, milking it to the nth degree to curry favour with his fellow malevolent, misogynistic goat shaggers. His double-dealing and back-stabbing has cost lots of American lives but somehow, to the left, that is not as bad as pi**ing on a corpse.

  8. KG says:

    Exactly, Os.

  9. Taz says:

    “Dachau. July 25 1943” Almost a year before D Day?

  10. we must be watchful that the powers the be do not demonize our BEST—