Open House 5/14/24

From the left’s fevered imagination-

The Federalist-

“Three years ago, a major story broke in Canada that seemed to confirm every left-wing prejudice against Christians imaginable: A mass grave containing the remains of indigenous children was supposedly discovered on the grounds of what had once been a government boarding school run by the Catholic Church.

It turns out the whole thing was a hoax, a modern-day blood libel against Christians that ended with at least 85 Catholic churches across Canada destroyed by arson, vandalized, or desecrated. Canadian political and civil society leaders cheered on this destruction — and then doled out hundreds of millions of dollars to investigate the mass graves and create a “support fund” for indigenous people.

To this day, no human remains have been recovered at the site of the alleged mass grave, despite nearly $8 million spent looking for them.”

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44 Responses to Open House 5/14/24

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    VDH gives a list of Biden’s failure as president and human being.

    Makes for disgusting reading.

    • Pascal says:

      “So he was foisted upon the nation to serve as “moderate” cover to advance a radical, veritable Obama third-term.”

      Many more need to keep saying this. Biden is the willing scapegoat for the Marxian/Muslim destruction of America at a far faster pace than Obama dared in his own terms.

      • Darin says:

        Biden is a mindless automaton, sock puppet if you will for Obama’s third term. Its worth pointing out, that of all our former presidents, Obama is the only one that maintains a rented office complex in DC, just down the street from the WH. Why do you suppose that is? :roll:

        • Pascal says:

          I’ve mentioned a few times in comments here and there that as early as 2017 that it was called Obama’s shadow cabinet. And then never mentioned again in MSM or by any of our most popular talkshow hosts. It’s like the no-go-there about the spike in votes in 5 swing states in the early morning the day after election 2016. Self-censorship permits that criminal enterprise to keep on destroying us from within.

          • Michael in Nelson says:

            Do you mean the spike in 2020?

            • Pascal says:

              Yes, indeed. I’ve even changed my avatar so as to provide a reminder at least up to election day.

              Let's remind the world of all that's never been remedied

              It’s their middle finger to us back at ’em.

              • Darin says:

                Oh and it’s worth mentioning that Biden didn’t win by 7 million votes. He only won by 22,000. That’s the number of votes it took to swing the electoral vote in his favor. It only required the dems to rig five major cities to flip the election.

  2. Pascal says:

    Since all Jews are descendants of Isaac, the brother of Ishmael, the first Arab, this imam has dehumanized all Arabs.

    And since Mohammed was an Arab, his words could gain him an execution by any devout Muslim. Not too bright.

    • Darin says:

      If Abraham had not listened to Sarah and kept it in his pants…….

      • Pascal says:

        Oh you are so right. Her faith was shown to be not as strong as his in many places in Genesis and other sources. But Genesis also says that Abe was also commanded to heed his wife on that occasion and at least one other. It’s like this ongoing battle was intended for reasons that are not clear.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    John Eastman talks, worth a listen

    • Pascal says:

      I like his optimism even with his acknowledging that our enemy fears losing power far more than looking like bad guys and so have no scruples whatsoever.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    I’ve once again made myself unwelcome at the Labour MP’s booth at the local market. I dared to ask why the Labour Party uses the term ‘Reproductive Health’ to refer to abortion. The MP (while saying she would not have an abortion herself) stated that the fetus is not a baby until it is born. When challenged about whether a baby has a right to be born, she hid behind the current law which allows for abortion up to the minute of birth. She then gathered up one of her staff and walked off.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      The conversation was longer than the above and included my comment that it isn’t that healthy for the baby.

      • Pascal says:

        Well, at least she didn’t get huffy as I’ve noticed often in the States.

      • Darin says:

        I’ve gotten quite confrontational with people about it, especially women. Especially when they pull that “it’s just a blob of tissue” or “it’s not Human” or “It’s just a Zygote” bullshit.

        I point out to them that we can be convicted in a court of law, based on DNA evidence alone, because we each have our own unique DNA from the moment of conception. Criminal law by that standard, tells us that we are individuals from the moment of conception. To murder someone either born or unborn is a criminal act and should be treated as such.

        Usually that yields a whole wheel barrow of “what if’s” and “yabutt’s” which I cut short with -“Stop lying, call it what it is, you are in favor of murdering an unborn innocent individual human being. It was your choice to Fuck and now you aren’t responsible enough to bare the consequences of your actions. You want to bed jump and be the town bicycle, but when the bill comes you want someone else to pay the check.

        Then they change gears and head for the “I need someone else to buy my contraceptives” crap. That’s when I go full on Andrew Dice Clay on them

        • Michael in Nelson says:

          I did ask if she thought abstinence should be encouraged but she dismissed it because “It doesn’t work”.

          • Pascal says:

            Ask her:
            “How would you feel if men based all their excuses on the same assertion?”

            “What do you mean?” she might ask.

            “Putting a leash on lust doesn’t work.”

            • Darin says:

              Have either of you noticed the recent uptick in 30 somethings crying on TikTok about they can’t find a man?
              I have also noticed a sudden uptick in the number of women in a hurry to marry up. I guess that’s another sign the economy is about to tank.

              • Michael in Nelson says:

                I’ve seen comments about it but I don’t have TikToc (thank God)

  5. Pascal says:

    Possible reasons this

    “Britain says it is developing a radio-wave weapon that can take out a swarm of drones for just $0.12 a shot”

    is the chosen headline.

    • Gone are the days of elegant headlines.
    • Corrupt media doesn’t know how to write 12¢.
    • Audience that can’t read script won’t know what 12¢ means.
    • It’s prepping us for digital economy: no cash means no pennies either.
    • Cents sounds like sense and newspeak will have removed that word from the dictionary.
  6. mawm says:

    The groundwork is being laid for our governments to admit to Covid vaccine harms. Obviously they cannot be ignored anymore. Is this a limited hang out to hide the why’s and wherefore’s of virus manipulation for the US military and their vaccine programs, or maybe something much more worrying – the deliberate release of the Covid19 virus to disrupt the US elections?

    A lot of people who have been injured or lost a family member want an honest answer!

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    I’m going to be out and about today so I thought I’d check the Met Service forecast because it called for rain for today in yesterday’s prognostication. It shows dark clouds wuth wind and rain all day. The text calls for rain easing this afternoon. However (there is always a however with the Met Service), the hourly chart shows hardly any rain, 8:00 to 9:00 at 0.3 mm/h and 10:00 to 11:00 at 0.2 mm/h, ending before noon.

    I can understand getting it not exact three days in advance, the atmosphere is after all a chaotic system, but on the same day disagreeing on the same page?

  8. mawm says:

    Two interesting inquiries in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

    The first is that into the infected blood scandal. This occurred in the 07’s through to the 09’s when blood and blood products contaminated with HIV, and Hepatitis B and C were given to haemophiliacs and those with other blood diseases. The report found that there was a ‘subtle, pervasive and chilling’ cover-up of the scandal and that there was ‘deliberate destruction’ of relevant documents and ‘elements of downright deception’ from those in positions of trust and power. Over 30 000 patients were infected.

    The second is the national Covid inquiry which has moved on to Scotland. Heart wrenching testimony from affected individuals and their family members is coming out from the hearings. The evil done to humanity is being exposed from the “side effects” of the vaccine to end of life pathways and do not resuscitate orders implemented without family knowledge.

    There is hope that those people in powerful positions who abused those positions and implemented harmful, and even murderous, practices will be punished.

    In the last 10 days I bumped into 2 acquaintances each of which has vaccine induced myocarditis and POTS. Their stories are very similar. Both stated that their lives have been irreversibly changed. My list of vaccine injured continues gets longer.

    • mawm says:

      That should be “the 70’s through to the 90’s”.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      mawm, Nothing will be done to those involved in the tainted blood scandal because it is too old (35 to 55 years). That being said, those responsible should be tried for murder which has no statute of limitations.

      As for COVID vaccine injuries, I doubt anyone will be held accountable. They will use the excuse of ‘Following the best science at the time’ despite knowing those that were under 60 and healthy had minimal risk of mortality within a few months of the outbreak and certainly by the time the vaccines were available.

      The same excuse was used to justify masks and the 2 m (6 feet) distancing, which epidemiologists knew were a load of crap at the time.

  9. Michael in Nelson says:

    Good thing Trump wasn’t there at the time…


  10. Darin says:

    What, Dems picked a white female over two brown people???

    Clearly racist, sexist and homophobic

  11. mawm says:

    With the threat of a new pandemic, that of bird flu (H5N1), in the lead up to the US elections it is useful to know that once again there is a drug available that will possibly be useful.

    “Yan, et al studied H5N1 infection in the laboratory and demonstrated that physiological relevant concentrations of chloroquine inhibited viral entry and damage to human cells. Additionally, when given as treatment and not prophylaxis, chloroquine reduced pulmonary alveolar infiltrates and improved survival in mice after a lethal dose of H5N1 from zero to 70%.”

    • mawm says:

      Or you can wait for the alternative…..(Note what I have highlighted in bold)

      Nat Commun. 2024 May 23;15(1):4350. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-48555-z.

      Development of a nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccine against clade H5 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus

      Colleen Furey 1 , Gabrielle Scher 1 , Naiqing Ye 1 , Lisa Kercher 2 , Jennifer DeBeauchamp 2 , Jeri Carol Crumpton 2 , Trushar Jeevan 2 , Christopher Patton 2 3 , John Franks 2 , Adam Rubrum 2 , Mohamad-Gabriel Alameh 4 5 , Steven H Y Fan 6 , Anthony T Phan 7 , Christopher A Hunter 7 , Richard J Webby 2 , Drew Weissman 4 5 , Scott E Hensley 8

      • Darin says:

        I figured we would have a convenient plandemic show up right about October….

        • Michael in Nelson says:

          I think the total so far is two humans testing positive and they both worked with infected birds. I know the WHO is thrilled to be able to push the panic button and the Pharma stock has started to rise again but I would imagine the resistance to another mRNA jab (I refuse to call them vaccines) will be greater than for COVID.

        • Michael in Nelson says:

          I think the total so far is two humans testing positive and they worked with the infected birds. I know the WHO is thrilled and Pharma stock is on the rise bit I imagine resistance to another mRNA jab (I refuse to call them vaccines) will be greater than for COVID.

  12. Darin says:

    It’s a win, but “gone completely” would still be better than “scaled back”.