Naming your own right of way

On your own land for access to your buildings.


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14 Responses to Naming your own right of way

  1. Darin says:

    Same here, we have to pay property tax AKA Rent (it’s really rent, because if we don’t pay it three years in a row, the county sells it off to the highest bidder and then evicts you.)
    Then to add insult to injury, you have to ask permission to build on it. At least they haven’t started the cultural bullshit yet……yet.

    I think he should name the lane something catchy, like Haywood J. Fuckov avenue

  2. Andy says:

    In this crazy world the Maori are termed as indigenous to New Zealand while the English are not indigenous to England. The Maori arrived in about 1250, some English people can trace their English forebears back much further than that. Is it because we is white?

    • mawm says:

      In this crazy world the Bantu people of Southern Africa are called indigenous, and even a whole moderately well developed country was handed to them on a platter because of this, whilst the indigenous population, the Khoi-San (for want of a more complex description), have been almost wiped out and ignored internationally. Briefly, Bantu tribes from western and central Africa migrated east- and south-wards displacing and killing the San, arriving in what is South Africa almost simultaneously with the white settlers (1652) in the western tip of Africa. The Bantu people now form the vast majority of the population and almost the totality of the black people.

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        So…when are those on the Left going to insist the Bantu pay reparations? Inquiring minds want to know.

  3. mawm says:

    Not many around to claim reparations. In the Mfecane (war of crushing) King Shaka slaughtered all the tribes who did not want to join his newly formed Zulu nation. Some escape northwards such as the Ndebele of Zimbabwe.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      I’m sure the Left can find a way to push the claim while making millions for their NGOs.

  4. Darin says:

    20 years ago today……

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    Speaking of favouring minority groups, I wonder of Ilan Omar had a hand in this?

    Mind you, Islam teaches it is just fine to lie to and steal from non-Muslims.

    • mawm says:

      The benefits of multiculturalism and law enforcement to scared to do anything in case they are called racists.