‘Taki’, on the New York Times:
‘..Blacks are 23 percent of New York City’s population, yet in the first half of 2009 they committed 80 percent of all shootings. Whites, who are 35 percent of the population, committed 1.8 percent of the shootings. So the Times recently ran an extremely long story over two pages about a young black who whined about how the police tend to profile him when he walks around his neighborhood at night. That the cops failed to profile all white people for the tiny minority of whites who commit shootings is deemed an outrage and proof of police racism…’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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This is the same BS we have in dealing with terrorism.We can’t profile the Muslims,so instead we search everybody else.
It’s like a perversion of the ole “searching for a needle in a haystack ” except in this case we know full well what the needles look like and where the needles are.
And stinking propaganda rags such as the NYT actively oppose any commonsense measures, preferring instead to see ordinary, decent people doing their jobs slandered as racists.
Mind you, that newspaper has a long and dishonourable record of sleeping with the enemy.
If I hit the lottery I would seriously consider buying the NYT as an investment.
Buy it,fire all the writers and turn it into a hardline conservative newspaper.
Maybe put Ann Coulter as managing edior
That’d make the lefties heads explode
Once again Taki’s website shows why it is one of the best on offer,
There’s some wonderfully non-PC writing in there, Flash. Taki used to write a column for the Brit Spectator, before he started out on his own.
He’s a fascinating character in his own right, too.
Send the black gangsters back to Nigeria.
You have forgotten the Liberal Creed:
Black skin good.
White skin bad.
Jew worse of all.
Memorize and repeat often.
You’ve forgotten all the other categories, Katie.
such as small business owners, soldiers etc.
In truth, few of us around here give a damn about any of those things. All we care about, I’m guessing, is behaviour.
So if a purple one-legged Jewish atheist homosexual redhead behaves like an asshole, the only relevant fact is the assholery.
Perhaps we’re behind the Times..
Of course, KG, some of us also hold [active] homosexuals with similar contempt as we do arseholes – it probably comes from the close relationship the former have with the latter – or maybe that’s just me
My Boss doesn’t have much time for them either.
Provided they’re not militant, and they keep their private business private, Kris I don’t care.
There are too many more urgent issues facing us.
The trouble is I believe most of them are in fact militant – and certainly within their sphere of influence.
You won’t find too many homosexuals who actively declare their ‘lifestyle’ to be unnatural. Your above statement – “keep their private business private” – may have been true to some degree prior to decriminalising this perversion, but I’m not sure whether it holds true today in most instances.
I really do see the rise of, and the active promotion and normalisation of homosexuality to be a PRIMARY indicator that Western civilisation is in full-on meltdown mode, and is past due God’s judgement. Think Sodom and Gomorrah, and the biblical flood when homosexuality and “going after strange flesh” was rampant.
As KG knows, I’m an atheist, but I’m inclined to agree with Kris here.
Twelve murders in New Orleans since the first of the year.Guess what color-
Sad way to live-
Maybe the fools who penned that story will pulled over by a cop because of their white profile and then later get shot by one of those gangsters the cops aren’t allowed to profile. Now i’ll drink to that.