Andy Roche and Dr Lavinia Perumal are a couple of fascists.

And my response to them and their handwringing, parasitic ilk is fuck you.
Always “for the chiiildren” isn’t it? Always the excuse for you single-issue totalitarian leeching cunts to exercise control over other people and to spread responsibility around, rather than curb your own totalitarian inclinations and get the guts to recognise that people are responsible for their own lives and parents are responsible for their own children. And get a real job, you parasitic bastards.
New Zealand organisations and institutions are riddled with collectivist, totalitarian assholes and it’s reached the point where most Kiwis think it’s absolutely normal.
My apologies for the language–these people reduce me to a state of white-hot fury.

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16 Responses to Andy Roche and Dr Lavinia Perumal are a couple of fascists.

  1. mara says:

    If this ban is allowed to come to pass because the sheeple are too apathetic, cowardly or simple to understand what is being done to society, then they deserve it being done to them but I LIVE HERE TOO AND I WOULD FUCKING MIND! So I would(and already do) absolutely refuse to comply, as a simple civic duty. It is not hard people; just grow balls, stay calm and hold your ground. :evil:

  2. Katie says:

    As an ex-smoker I am appalled by this. Children are more likely to pick up the habit at home from their parents than from parks.

    But perverts will pick up children at parks. Therefore we should ban all children from parks.

    • KG says:

      And of course, we should also ban modern cars (out-gassing from plastic interiors on warm days), diesel vehicles (including the greenie’s beloved buses and trains)…….where does it stop?
      I’ll tell you where. It stops at the group most easily identified and demonised, that’s where. If you live in NZ you can look forward to the relentless campaign by the zealots bearing fruit, in the form of smokers in parks and beaches being verbally and then physically abused. Unless, of course those smokers are of a certain colour, in which case the zealots will choose easier targets to get their fix of righteous indignation.

      • mawm says:

        I notice at the local hospital, which has numerous signs inside and outside proclaiming that it is a ‘smoke-free’ zone, the local ‘once were’s’ smoke with impunity and not one person has the balls to challenge them.

        • KG says:

          Yep. And I’ve observed the same at the one I worked at and every place Gecko has worked at.
          It’s all about easily-persecuted targets and avoiding the hard issues.

  3. kowtow says:

    Talking of sheeple, look at how many agree with this on the original link.
    They’ve done a great job in turning us into a brain dead mob of thickos.Goebbels would be very proud indeed.

  4. KG says:

    Take this comment under the article:
    “Smokers are so selfish & militant in their quest to stink up the public.”
    FFS! Since when were smokers….nah, I just can’t be bothered. That comment is a perfect example of Kowtow’s “brain dead mob of thickos”. And of the fact that the fascist tendency of indoctrinated leftists is never far below the surface. A mob ripe for manipulation. uninformed clowns who are too fucking thick to know how little they know. (and the name Goebbels certainly won’t mean anything to them. Kowtow)
    NZ is well on track to becoming the south Pacific’s first fascist state. Seriously. All the ingredients are there.

  5. ZenTiger says:

    I’m not a smoker, and I’m not a fan of cigarette smoke, but that’s really beside the point. This is an issue of the encroachment of freedom. A blanket ban of smoking in public is fascist.

    If they must wear jack-boots, in the name of saving the children, put them on and hang around schools and do something about the 13 year olds that are smoking illegally out in public. Enforce the laws we already have.

    • KG says:

      Oh no, Zen. That’d be much too difficult. :evil:

    • mawm says:

      Did you see that LA (and maybe the whole of Kalifornia) has passed a law where porn “artists” (truely a misnomer) have to wear condoms! I can’t wait for the day when I have to get my wife to sign a 10 page document to ensure that what we do is consensual. :roll:

  6. kowtow says:

    Here’s something from the EUSSR where they now openly admit to brain washing to their point of view. And they still pretend to be democratic!

  7. Lucia Maria says:

    Smoking only harms the body, which will die in a number of years anyway. We can’t prevent that, only *theoretically delay it. I’d much rather see bans on things that kill the soul (which is immortal, but we can end up permanently being in a state of eternal death) , but this society encourages all sort of perversions that lead to that state, but gets all prissy about that which only affects the body. It’s insane.

    * Some one living really healthily is still at risk for dying randomly in all sorts of ways, ie Christchurch earthquake, or getting hit by a bus, etc.

    • jonno1 says:

      Well put Lucia. Unfortunately “the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving…”. (2 Cor 4:4)

  8. dondiego says:

    I find it disgusting that one can pick up a transvestite hooker in the street/park, and that hugely dangerous behaviour is not as bad?

    I would like to see the health-nazi banned- I’m sure I could get enough signatures. After the smacking referendum I know it also would be a waste of time.

    Watch out KFC, sounds like you’re next…

  9. rivoniaboy says:

    Every day we should repeat –
    “Freedom is not a gift from heaven, you have to fight for it everyday”
    Simon Wiesenthal.
    A message to these so called world improvers, go and take a flying f**k!

  10. kowtow says:

    “Watch out KFC you’re next….”

    The danger is that the powers that be have learned they can get away with this.
    I think alot of this started in the UK with drink driving. The BBC had a hand in it and the pollies got on board. Next came the seat belt laws. Then it was the anti tobacco campaigns and look how far and fast that has come.Alcohol is also very much in their sights,note how often it’s referred to as a “drug”.

    I have heard politicians on radio talking about this, about “modifying” peoples ‘ behaviour.Very frightening and a long long way from that silly notion of personal responsibility.