This is where the money goes, folks!

‘Since 2001, Alberta has seen a remarkable expansion of provincial revenues, due mostly to rising oil and natural gas prices. Even excluding health, education and welfare transfers from Ottawa, Alberta’s provincial revenues have risen 56% in the past decade, despite the worldwide economic downturn.
So where has all this additional money gone? According to the U of C study, public sector wages have “consumed 95% of the increase in provincial revenues over the past decade.” For every new dollar Alberta has brought in — nearly $11-billion extra a year — 95¢ has gone into the pockets of civil servants and other public-sector workers…’
And note..this is a supposedly Conservative provincial government! It’s not a disease just of the left–it’s the disease of government itself. There is a new ruling class–the grey drones behind desks, destroying liberty and using your money to do it. They and government–any government–are joined at the hip, working in tandem to enslave us all.

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