‘A Conversation With A Liberal’

‘An anonymous Gates of Vienna reader in England sent us the following transcript of a conversation in a pub.
Something rather strange happened last night. Firstly, I was in a pub, which is in itself unusual. Secondly, I found myself in conversation with some rather earnest liberal types. The conversation turned to politics, which led eventually to a rather silly looking woman (RSLW) saying that she hated the BNP.
PW: Really, why is that?
RSLW: Because they are horrible, fascist, skinhead brutes.
PW: I see. And what is your opinion of Muslim fundamentalists? Do you hate them also?
RSLW: No, why would I hate them?
It gets better–an insight into liberal idiocy.

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23 Responses to ‘A Conversation With A Liberal’

  1. KG says:

    I suspect he was talking to the sister of one of these clowns:

  2. Darin says:

    Ever see that TV show “Wife Swap”?The one where two women from different parts of the country and different life styles trade places for a week?

    That is what that woman needs.She needs to trade places with a Muslim woman for a week.Not one of the pseudo westernised ones,but a hardcore Afghani or Pakistani woman.

    Once shes dressed in itchy black burlap and beaten by her new husband a few times she’ll get the picture. ;-)

  3. KG says:

    :lol: They’re so damn thick, Darin, I doubt it would sink in even then.

  4. Andrei says:

    They are living in denial.

    It’s my theory that the sort of people who think like this have never known any hardship in their lives and whose parents and relatives did not have nightmare memories of WW2 to cast a shadow of their relatively idyllic childhoods.

    I’m never going to say about what I saw when I was little

    • KG says:

      Spot-on, Andrei. Other people bought the peace and security they take for granted. The wake-up, when it comes will be one hell of a shock…..

  5. Kris K says:

    I’m prepared to partially capitulate, KG – liberals are indeed part of animal-kind; they are devoid of rational and moral thought, and react only on an emotional and instinctual level.

    Permitting them to vote is like letting your dog have the vote. Although I reckon I’d be able to teach my dog to vote the right way with the appropriate training, whereas liberals are unteachable not to mention unreachable.

    Which only goes to prove, yet again, that liberalism is a terminal illness and if it was your dog suffering from it you’d do him a favour and put him out of his misery.

  6. WAKE UP says:

    The fundamental law of migration is: the country of destination is BY DEFINITION a better place to live; otherwise the migrant flow would be in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION.


    The corollary is, of course, that when unassimilated immigrant numbers overwhelm the destination country, that country becomes a facsimile of the inferior countries the migrants came from.

    And that’s what’s happening now in Britain. Including insane conversations like the one reported here.

  7. mara says:

    Islam is not so much seizing the West as they don’t really need to. We are giving it away on a platter with a shit eating grin and a tug of the forelock. Would you like fries with that Mohammed? The brainwashed woman in the conversation doesn’t even realise that the issue isn’t racism but cultural supremacy and that her education qualified her for absolutely nothing useful to the preservation of the society that nurtured and educated her dumb ass. But what she does know is that hurling the “racist”accusation at folk does tend to keep them quiet. How did “racism” get to be as bad as paedophilia? How did we let it get to this point? :???:

  8. breaking thread-
    as to real men!-

    the movie does involve terrorists followers of islam-
    so thread is not SO broken : – )

  9. Apart from North Korea and China, which are communist, it is interesting to see the countries that most persecute Christians have in common.
    How very liberal of them! But the left are so blind to the intolerance and bigotry of Islam, which so commonly suppresses women and seeks to hang gays.
    As I said at my place many times before, it is strange that liberals back a most illiberal religion that opposes the supposed core values of leftist liberals with regards to women’s and gay rights as well as imperialism!

  10. Seneca III says:

    I post here the same comment I posted on GoV:

    “Anonymous Gates of Vienna reader in England – being called a racist these days is a signal honour; it is public recognition of the fact that you have a mind of your own and that you now belong to a growing community of the aware.

    Or, alternatively, you may view it this way: Racism is a survival trait that evolution has hard wired into your genes for good reason, and for any culture to unilaterally, and I emphasise unilaterally, forego its essential survival function is for that culture to cease to exist.

    And, furthermore, whenever this form of ad hominem argument does surface in open debate, you may celebrate for it tells you that the respondent has no constructive counter-argument and most probably either it is unaware of the realities of its environment or is very much aware of them and exists in a state of perpetual fear – the ‘rabbit in the headlights’ syndrome.”

    Seneca III

  11. The Gantt Guy says:

    I found one of the comments no that post quite enlightening. I might be completely wrong, of course, but here is my train-of-thought (FWIW):


    “…the BNP seems to be in terminal decline, however new patriotic parties seems to be gaining ground. This only dilutes the resistance…The general theory is that Griffin has gone native (EU) … I did not renew my membership when Griffin announced that the EDL were a “proscribed” organisation….UKIP have barred membership to ex BNP members, which makes me wonder do UKIP actually want to do anything about our dire situation.”

    Thought Choo-Choo:
    I wonder if the commenter isn’t correct that the failure of UK Nationalists to unite under a single banner really pleases the LabDemCon coalition. I wonder if at some level the Nationalists* don’t really want to win the faux-war, that until the real bullets start flying they’ll continue to focus on their differences rather than the common enemy. I wonder if, until the real bullets start flying, it’s easier to tilt at the Islamofascist’s (and their enablers and collaboraters’) windmills than speak with a single voice.

    *The UK being the only place Nationalists are visibly, obviously active. We exist in (e.g. Australia and – to a MUCH lesser extent – NZ), but we’re largely dispersed and beaten into silence.

  12. KG says:

    These groups won’t unite under a single banner unless the crap really hits the fan in a big way. And maybe not even then.
    But I doubt there’ll be any mass uprising. Our masters have learned very well that creeping serfdom is possible provided there are enough people on the tit of the productive, people are uninformed about the real state of things and kept distracted by bread and circuses. And most of all, provided the media can be used to divide people by what are often imagined differences and labels.
    Governments own the propaganda machine.
    Governments own the means of distributing wealth.
    Governments own the tools of physical subjugation and suppression.
    In short, governments own us. “We The People” are a herd to be managed and prodded and culled and harvested as governments see fit, and short of anarchy and civil war they’ll continue to own us.
    Which is fair enough, since We The People gave them that power.