On Newt’s disappeared standing ovation:

‘..The mainstream press does not want to discuss last night’s standing ovation because it shakes their worldview. They were supposed to be able to control the narrative; they were supposed to be able to corral the sheep. And last night, the sheep indicated that they’re no longer willing to be herded, no longer going to allow their own moral judgments to be exploited in a time when the nation is facing serious issues. They’ve decided they’re going to make up their own minds, thank you, about who they think is up to dealing with those issues…’
The Anchoress

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11 Responses to On Newt’s disappeared standing ovation:

  1. Darin says:

    Current returns from SC-

    Gingrich 41%
    Romney 26%
    Santorum 18%
    Paul 13%
    Perry(out) 1%

  2. KG says:

    Interesting, the reaction to somebody who finally has the cojones to come out and attack the media slime….

  3. KG says:

    The really interesting thing now will be to watch the Republican establishment crank up their attacks on Gingrich.

    • Kirly says:

      they already have… all the salem radio network talk show hosts / townhall columnists that i’ve head are all romney fans. heard one say that people are “scared of newt”. no explanation, of course.

  4. KG says:

    G’day Kirly. :smile:
    That didn’t take long, did it?

  5. Darin says:

    Hell if he throws in some well placed profane punctuation he may just win the next primary by 90% :mrgreen:

  6. WAKE UP says:

    The media don’t give a damn that they are hurting Gingrich’s ex-wife –she’s just this week’s cannon-fodder. And all to keep a President in office who can’t say a straight word about ANYTHING.

  7. Interesting to see the msm see Newt’s procilivties and marital situation as fair game.
    They did so with Sarah Palin.
    Thus, we should expect them to pay similar interest into the background of the ObamaMessiah.
    I look forward to seeing Larry Sinclair on CNN revealing what he did with Obummer in the back of that limmo.

  8. The Gantt Guy says:

    Well done, Newt!

    The fun thing about this cycle is that when Uncle Doofus doesn’t get the nomination he *will* run independent, all-but gifting Hussein a second term. Unless whoever does win the nomination is so wildly popular he beats Osama and Paul combined. Which isn’t likely.

    Anyhoo, I await with gerat interest the LSM’s expose of Osama’s visits to certain San Fran bath-houses…waiting

    Still waiting.

  9. WAKE UP says:

    Newt spoke truth to the media and got a standing ovation; now he needs to keep speaking it to the Republicans. That way, he just might get to speak it to Obama.

    • KG says:

      Possible, but highly unlikely. I very much doubt the majority of Americans want to see real structural change and all the pain that implies. Newt will scare the pants off the “status quo” voters.
      And even IF Newt became Prez does anybody seriously believe he’d do anything to slow the march of big government and cronyism?
      The enemy is government, not any individual, repulsive as that individual is. Getting rid of Obama may slow the process underway but it sure as hell won’t stop or reverse it.