Importing social unrest:

‘..More than 600,000 Australians are on unemployment benefits, saying they can’t find work they like. Meanwhile, we’re importing an underclass – with an ethnic dimension – to do what the unemployed won’t:
THEY clean toilets, drive taxis and wait on tables – jobs “beneath” so many Australians the Government is considering importing thousands of migrant workers to fill some critically short-staffed industries.
A growing underclass is developing in Australia, once revered for its work ethic, where entire occupations are being left almost entirely to foreigners.
…..The hospitality and tourism industry is so short-staffed the Government is in discussions to import 36,000 cooks, waiters and bartenders to fill vacancies…’                        Andrew Bolt

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13 Responses to Importing social unrest:

  1. kowtow says:

    “The government is in discussions to import……..”

    Supply and demand. If those “industries “are so short handed then wages should go up. This should entice the unemployed off their lazy arses and into work.

    But no,unemployment remains a “lifestyle “choice,underpinned by the long suffering and coerced working taxpayer.The “solution” is to “import” lowpaid and unasimilating foreigners that will continue to keep wages low,increase the ever growing underclass,the risk of terrorism,increase taxes and urban decay. Brilliant.All they have to do is look at the once great United Kingdom to see this shit doesn’t work out like they pretend it will. But then that’s not really the issue. They,like Blair,want so called multiculturalism and a client state.

    As Ron said, Hi we’re from the government and here to help.

  2. KG says:

    “But then that’s not really the issue. They,like Blair,want so called multiculturalism and a client state. ”

  3. oswald bastable says:

    Take the New Zealand workers out of Australia and what would happen…

  4. Don McKenzie says:

    Get rid of unemployment benefit without strings and the need for immigrants would be minimised. Only a sterile ,mindless administration would tax working people to give money to others to do nothing for it.

    • Octagongrappler says:

      Don even if we did that which is a great idea. The govt would still import thousands of 3rd world migrants anyway… :x

  5. Katie says:

    Since when will a Muslim be a bartender?

    • dondiego says:

      “Almost 900 were unsure…”

      • KG says:

        You’d have to be pretty thick to be “unsure”!

        • Kris K says:

          And on that note; I discriminate against thick people – of course that includes most on the left, and especially so called ‘intellectuals’ like Crengle quoted in the article. “Thick people” and “useful idiots” being inter-changeable terms.

  6. KG says:

    “Crengle, senior lecturer at the Te Kupenga Hauora Maori at the University of Auckland”
    Which instantly consigns the report to the trash bin.
    Another bloody pseudo-academic looking for a cause–and more taxpayer’s money.