Ever wonder what happened to Glen Beck’s show on Fox? Trevor Loudon has the answer:
‘..We understand why this is sensitive information for Beck and his personnel. We do not intend to put anyone in a difficult position. But this story goes far beyond Beck and what happened to his program. This is a matter of a pro-Marxist billionaire interfering with the First Amendment rights of the one major media company in the U.S. that has given conservatives a voice. In the case of Beck, he was the one major media personality to subject Soros to the scrutiny he deserves. We are talking about the public’s right to know. It was bad enough that Soros-funded groups put pressure on Beck’s advertisers and his employer, News Corporation, parent of the Fox News Channel. Now we find out that threats were made and that Beck feared for the safety of his employees…’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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It all fits the same pattern of threats,intimidation and lies and it all comes from the DNC and the Nazi collaborator Soros.
We heard all about Herman Cains alleged affairs and Newt’s infidelity,but what about Obama and his boy friends or his drug use?
I always thought as much. Beck clearly thought the execs at Fox were watching his back. They weren’t. They were putting a knife in it.
Fox is starting to concern me to be honest. Beck gets knifed but they then employ left-wing nut-jobs like Sally Kohn.
Fox has been moving steadily leftwards for a long time now. Perhaps the Saudi investors are starting to flex their muscles?