‘..Haiti’s prime minister has pointed out that 40 per cent of aid money supports the foreigners handing it out. Undoubtedly, huge sums have been wasted: for example, humanitarian groups paid double local rates for lorry loads of water.
One car dealer sold more than 250 Toyota Land Cruisers a month at £40,000 each. ‘You see traffic jams at Friday lunchtime of all the white NGO and UN four-wheel drives heading off early to the beaches for the weekend,’ said one Irish aid worker. ‘It makes me sick.’..’ HERE
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Ah the rotten ends of two cultures,the Haitian culture and the Bureaucrat culture.There is no redeeming either,at least by mortal man.
3rd world “aid” programmes are honeypots for bureaucrats, drones, Nordic do-gooders, crims, bent politicians, bum-chum 200% mark-up suppliers of everything from pencils to vehicles and legions of local Mr Fixits with dibs in for the spare cash – and otherwise.
Enduring image: bloated UN relief agency Toyota Land Cruiser with lurid stickers on the doors occupied by a couple of fat air-conned Danes sporting Dirty Dogs blasting down a dirt road spraying dust and crap over a couple of snot-nosed locals poking a donkey along with sharped sticks.
You simply have no idea how much contempt I hold for this entire bankrupt concept and the scum who make it their cushy rodent nests.
Yup,and hardly ever any mention of the private volunteer based groups that have been doing the heavy lifting on their own dime for years.All the rural churches that scrimp and save to buy equipment for hospitals or dig waterwells and build schools.Never a word about all the kids and their parents that have volunteered their summers to go work in the mission fields.
Sounds like a Helun KKKlarKKK dream!
This is why I refuse to support ANY relief work which is filtered through anything aligned with the corrupt U.N. And of course much of it is. If 40% is ‘absorbed’ by “the foreigners handing it out”, you can bet most of the other 60% goes towards greasing the palms of equally corrupt local and national [third-world] government officials.
I’d be surprised if even 5-10 percent actually makes it to those who need it most – the suffering and dying.
The UN… aiding and abetting paedophiles and criminals since 1948