Could Obama really be this stupid?

Wolf Howling has an interesting post up, and it appears The Won has picked a fight with the Catholic Church.  Since 54% of Catholics voted for him, things could get interesting….

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25 Responses to Could Obama really be this stupid?

  1. GW says:

    Thanks, KG, for the link and kind words. This one really has me at a loss. Obama just pissed off one fourth of the entire electorate in the U.S. needlessly. And when even the Obama sycophants are shaking their heads in disbelief, you know he’s got problems. Well, that and the fact that the Pope is interceding on this one.

  2. pompuss says:

    The answer is – YES he can….. the problem is that the man does have principles, though one may not agree with them.

    Unlike The O the Catholic church does not seem to be committed to religious pluralism. After all, Catholics would not be forced to use the insurance but it would be there for those who wished to use it. One has the sneaking suspicion that the church hierarchy may not trust its own adherents.

    The Bookworm Room claims that “funding an act is tantamount to committing that act yourself” but this misses the point. Can’t they see that by refusing to take this insurance Catholic employers are denying rights to non-Catholics. Life in a pluralistic society is all about compromise and sometimes it is necessary to weigh one’s own beliefs against those of others and accept that they have a right to think/act the way they do even though one may deplore their choices.

    Stupid humans.

    • Andrei says:

      Can’t they see that by refusing to take this insurance Catholic employers are denying rights to non-Catholics.

      A much abused word in these times of its all “about me me me”.

      What about the “rights” of Nazis to gas Jews?

      Some things a wrong. Murdering babies is wrong.

      Lefties with their the sacraments to their “rights” including the murder of innocents hate the Church.

      Its past time when people stopped thinking about themselves but looked at the broader picture beyond themselves.

      • pompuss says:

        Andrei says “Some things a wrong. Murdering babies is wrong.”

        Hey Andrei, wait a moment before you leap to judgement.

        In a pluralistic society some people don’t think that murdering a fetus is wrong……..
        Nothing to do with babies. indeed most, probably all, people who are pro choice and believe in abortion rights would never countenance infanticide.

        • Ciaron says:

          Account for late term abortion please.

          • pompuss says:

            As I said, some people see it differently. NB I never suggested late term abortion was desirable and it’s a red herring in the insurance debate.

            If a society agrees that contraception and abortion (in some circumstances) are legal, why should the non-religious be forced to live their lives according to others’ principles?

            It’s simple. Catholics and other anti-abortionists needn’t have abortions – that’s their choice. Pro-choice advocates should be free to make a choice too.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          At least you used the word “murdering” in the “fetus” context. Although your benign phrase “pro-choice” is incorrect. What you really mean is “pro-death”.

          Think about it this way…

          When does the miracle of life begin? Is it when the child is born? Is it when the child can be self-sustaining outside the womb? Is it at the moment of conception? If you selected the third option, congratulations you win the day’s prize. If you accept that life begins at conception, then abortion is the taking of a life. Hmmm … doesn’t quite accord well with “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” does it?

          Damn that consequence-free sex, eh?

        • Andrei says:

          In a pluralistic society some people don’t think having sex with children is wrong.

          Such an argument can be used to justify just about anything you care to.

      • Richard says:

        Murdering babies is wrong.

        Yep, 54 million babies in the USA since Roe vs Wade. But murder a cop and you’ll have every lamebrain leftist in the entire country calling you a political prisoner and demanding you be freed. Leftists make me puke.

  3. kowtow says:

    The problem is that unlike the old days when the Pope raised the banner and the faithful rallied to the cause, in todays world they’ll look at their bank accounts and decide to vote on the strength of who will pay out the most benefits.
    I’ve always been amazed at how many Catholics vote Democrat when they must know it is the abortion party.
    Look at catholics in it, Kennedy,Pelosi,Biden, says it all really.
    And I say this as a Catholic.

    • GW says:

      What makes this different than anything seen in the past half century, at least, is the fact that the Pope has drawn a line in the sand, and the entire Church hierarchy in the U.S. has amplified it. This is a put up or shut up moment for Catholics, and the Church is demanding, as a core issue, that Catholics rally to the banner on this one. A lot of Catholics are going to have to look into the mirror on this one and face some uncomfortable realities, as well as choices. And when you have someone as sycophantic as EJ Dionne – the most left of the left wing Catholics – saying that this is wrong, you can bet that a lot of Catholics in the middle are going to be likewise effected.

      • kowtow says:

        I couldn’t agree more about line in sand,core moment etc These are issues that have bothered me for ages. If however you think a huge number of catholics who traditionally vote Democrat will change cos of the hierarchy I’d be prepared to bet there won’t be a big change in voting patterns.

        As an historical aside the hierarchy in Ireland were seriously anti IRA violence in 1919-21,letters read out, threats of excommunication etc didn’t deter the gunmen and they were very conservative catholics.
        In the Spanish Civil war the republicans were avowedly anti clerical and they were mostly catholic.There’s a saying that in Spain even the atheists were catholic ;-)

        A lot of catholics could look at their hierarchy as a bunch of hypocrits when it comes to these issues .In my view if they really wanted to draw a line in the sand the hierarchy shouldn’t have flocked in such huge numbers to Ted Kennedy’s funeral and given him such a resoundingly Catholic send off. The faithful might have sat up and paid attention if the Kennedys had been forced to hire an Anglican church and vicar instead!

  4. Katie says:

    There goes Pennsylvania, most of Ohio, and parts of New Jersey. Plus any other state that has a large Catholic population.

    • KG says:

      Hmmm…not so sure, Katie. Kowtow points out why.

      • Darin says:

        Dunno about that,talked to a couple Catholic friends today and they are royally pissed.

        What Obama has done is step flat footed into Church business and not just the Catholic church either.

  5. pompuss says:

    female fates is only half subtle Andrei and is,…. err um…, another red herring?

    Half subtle in that I’ve not ever seen the first photo of a beautiful young woman so cannot comment but Margaret (photo two) is a friend of mine, and seen by many as a very fine scientist who has advanced the cause of women’s health in NZ.

    Furthermore, it is both incorrect and impolite to describe her as “in her dotage”.

  6. WAKE UP says:

    Obama is either rat-cunning or deeply stupid – or both.