the latest Woodpile Report is up.

Ol’Remus on Detroit:
‘..We Shall Overcome wasn’t understood as a dewey-eyed ideal in Detroit, it was understood as a blatant threat and license for violent aggression. And aggression there was. Noncombatants started leaving after the 1967 riots and, as it went on, literally without end, fully half the population self-evacuated. Since the year 2000, another twenty-five per cent have left. A quarter of Detroit’s 140 square miles is deserted outright. Much of what’s left makes mere squalor look good…’
The inevitable endpoint of “progressivism”…read it and weep.

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11 Responses to the latest Woodpile Report is up.

  1. Flashman says:

    Woodpile is must-read material. First rate – every time.

  2. rivoniaboy says:

    I agree Flashman, journalism at it’s best. Should be compulsory reading – without exception.

  3. KG says:

    Just beautiful, isn’t it? :smile:

  4. Darin says:

    Detroit,a great place…for Nuclear testing :twisted:

    • KG says:

      Well, it’s been a testing ground for the left’s governance for a damn long time now. Is there a difference?
      Note also Chicago…..California…

      • Darin says:

        Oh,definitely,everywhere liberal demorats have been in control is a cesspool.Like Roaches it’s not what they eat,it’s what they fuck up that makes them a nuisance.

  5. KG says:

    :lol: exactly.

  6. WAKE UP says:

    That’s one of the finest articles I’ve ever read.

    And I’m so sad about Detroit, to think that so much fine music came from there too. All gone.

  7. Kris K says:

    The link Ol’ Remus provides at the end of the article is well worth a read as well:

    Sobering stuff.