‘..So our brainy president has transmuted an evasion by Mankind’s first murderer into Christian doctrine. Brilliant! Innovative! Thomas Jefferson would be awed. But surely we could expect nothing less from “the most intelligent man ever to become president.”..’
The rest.
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I still haven’t decided if Obama is thick as pigshit, or deeply cunning – or both, which is the worst possible combination.
Yet another example of the ‘superior’ intelligence of those on the left.
If Zero is the pinnacle of leftist intelligence then that doesn’t say much about all the rest.
And perhaps that those on the conservative right can see through this charade indicates where the genuinely intelligent people reside on the political spectrum.
Obama’s complete misapplication of Cain [not] being his brother’s keeper also highlights, IMO, that he, and many others on the left, in fact have more in common with the first murderer in the Bible than they do with righteous Abel, let alone the Son of God who died for the sins of men:
Obama and his followers are 180* out of phase with what is Christian,moral or just plan decent.
An example-
Back before the election a relative of mine,life long democrat,but generally decent brought up the coming election.Now bear in mind this guy is OLD line democrat and is racist against blacks,but never the lest he comes out pushing Obama.
So I told him that as far as I am concerned Obama disqualified himself with his views on abortion,forget anything else if a candidate supports abortion that’s it for me I won’t support them period.
What was his response?
“Well if you were a real Christian you would see that it’s better the child be aborted than to grow up poor”
-ya,real Christ like these “faux christians”
I’m with you, Darin.
Once I know where a politician (or anyone for that matter) stands on 1) Abortion [and therefore the sanctity of ALL life], and 2) Israel and the Jewish people ALL their other views are pretty much a given.
No genuine child of God can be for abortion or against Israel. The fact that MOST leftwingers/Democrats are morally bankrupt [pro abortion et al], hate Israel [and usually the Jewish people, too], and are by and large not Christian in any biblical sense of the word comes as no surprise to those of us on the conservative right.
“… by their fruits ye shall know them”.
“Well if you were a real Christian you would see that it’s better the child be aborted than to grow up poor”
No surprise KG. Liberation theology has its roots in paganism and the holocausts of Moloch. At least with abortionists, most cases they kill the baby before they burn it. I’m proud to say I’m more Christian than any “Christian” who would evaluate human life in such Marxian economic terms.
I’m still shaking my head at that, Pascal. There are millions of poor people who live decent, happy lives and many who go on to improve their own lot and that of their children.
Perhaps the person making the statement simply hadn’t thought very carefully about it. At least, I hope so….
It’s all part of the deliberate dumbing down of the species KG. You report on incidents of that surfacing several times a week. There are people who have been made to think that poverty makes a human being worthless. And you know very well what utilitarians want to do with humans they deem worthless.
Have you read my current blog post? It’s a repost of a warning I made 6 years ago. The news this last week made it timely again.
Remember this letter to Clinton from the Roe-v-Wade pro-abort lawyer?
Never mind that most of these “poor” babies would be the result of the sexual revolution and welfare policies that incentivize out of wedlock pregnancy so loved by the left.
Dead right, Darin.
The left, through their policies and world-view, remove morality from society, create a welfare dependent sub-class, attack biblical marriage, disempower the family and men in their role as leaders of the family and society, feminise the education system, remove the ability of youth to think critically for themselves, ‘normalise’ homosexuality and all manner of sexual perversion, encourage crime and drug use … and I could go on.
And THEN, when all their chickens start coming home to roost, they suggest [as per your link] such things as:
And some people wonder why those of us on the conservative right consider those on the left to be EVIL, MURDEROUS and DEVOID OF MORALITY.
“The left, through their policies and world-view, remove morality from society, create a welfare dependent sub-class, attack biblical marriage, disempower the family and men in their role as leaders of the family and society, feminise the education system, remove the ability of youth to think critically for themselves, ‘normalise’ homosexuality and all manner of sexual perversion, encourage crime and drug use ”
And for the past 60 years or so, they’ve used New Zealand as the petrie dish for their vile and unnatural experiments.
Good post, Pascal, and I’d like to put a link up to it under the “militant atheists” post.
Thanks KG. Go ahead. I didn’t dare infringe on our friendship by even asking to post anything that long here. It does place the anti-theist agenda firmly in the radical Green camp doesn’t it?
It sure does. I just tried to put up a link to it, but my hosting company seems to be playing up. I’ll try again.
Oh, and don’t forget that the topic of that post was discussed but not published when Fran put together his Convergence of the Death (radical Greens and militant Islam) Cults, the first in his death cult series.