Oops! I accidentally posted an email addy. Never mind..we’ll get around to taking it down some time, maybe after the third or fourth coffee.
In case you were wondering, it’s the email addy of a bunch of sickeningly PC, culturally-cringing, arrogant, meddling busybody effing fanatics. That’s as polite as I’m going to get about these creeps.
Update: Apparently the NZ College of Midwives also complained about the ad. They have previous form for pushing an ideological position.
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Ok, so how the fuck is a father supposed to help with the raising of his children and also give his partner/wife a rest flop out his tit and somehow produce milk himself
these culturally-cringing, arrogant, meddling busybody fucking fanatics. should be congratulating him and using him as a role model for Maori and P.I’s. the producers of the ad just needed to tell them to fuck off and die.
Men are not equipped to breast-feed. That is why they use bottles. Dumb bitches, they must be blond.
“the producers of the ad just needed to tell them to fuck off and die.”
Amen to that.
Y’know, I nursed the Progeny, but there were times when it just wasn’t practicable {I’ve never been one to just ‘flip it out’ }, OR when others wanted the chance to feed her …………………………………… La Leche is just going the way of other groups that start off with great intentions, only to have some radical segment hijack and force this kind of garbage ………………………….. sad, really, that an organization that was established to assist those who chose to breast feed, with information, etc., has devolved into maniacal shrillness, and “the only RIGHT way is OUR way” attitudes …………………………………….
Semper Fi’
What about the no-hopers (of either sex) who don’t even feed their kids? Sheesh.
What about women who can’t breast-feed or find it highly uncomfortable, and are made to feel guilty by these petit nazis?
How do these shrill “Do it my way or else,” people know that it wasn’t breast milk in the bottle. My daughter expresses and freezes her milk for when Dad is minding the baby and she has gone to work for a couple of hours.
As well, Piri Weepu is being a role model for all the brown people who don’t treat their babies with any love and care at all. I’m with Nigel on this. They need to be told to foxtrot oscar.
“sex and travel”?
Just another example of sad busy-bodies nosing into others’ affairs. La Leche is pathetic and out of focus with its original intent.
the breastapo strike again….
know nothing militants simpletons
I know the La Leche type. The fact is that they do browbeat many women and make them feel guilty if they cannot breast feed sucessfully for any reason. I also know that this tit-fascism contributes to post-partem depression. Stupid, callous one-eyed women with more power than they can sensibly handle. Why has no one taken them on? They’re PC. End of.
Ever look to see how many if any of these idiots have children of their own?
Most of the lefty child experts in the US don’t have any,case in point- Opra(first name F—ing).
Darin, this would be in large measure due to their finding a man drunk enough to fuck them I suspect.
The breastnazis have been empowered by the UN through the WHO and their global strategy for infant and child feeding. There are several key parts to this strategy. Firstly they call on signatory governments to develop a policy on the above, they require implementation of the International Code of Marketing Breastmilk Substitutes (ie ban any), and then to legislate the right of working women to breast feed. Our MoH handed this over to the “New Zealand Breastfeeding Authority” (I guess the name says it all). This is a self-selected group made up of midwives, lactation consultants, Plunket and La Leche League workers and a few other fringe groups. Very evocative terms are used such as “The Innocenti Declaration”, baby- friendly hospital initiatives, 10 steps to successful Breastfeeding and have been legislated by our Parliament. This has allowed any busybody, untrained person, as long as they are part of the Breastfeeding Authority, to bully frightened young women into doing what they tell them to. They are making them feel that they are failures as mothers and that their children will be delinquents if they so much as even have a passing thought about bottle-feeding, let alone failure to provide adequate nutrition through breastfeeding alone. They are nasty charlatans who have been given power by the UN and servile spineless governments. mawm
The “New Zealand Breastfeeding Authority” FFS??
Thanks for the background info, Mawm. Now I feel even more pissed-off.