militant atheists are assholes and zealots

when even simple truths such as these are targeted by them. This is a blatant attempt to stifle Christian free speech. Does anybody have an example of them doing the same against muslim hate preachers?
Update: Pascal has some interesting thoughts on this subject.

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10 Responses to militant atheists are assholes and zealots

  1. Kris K says:

    When the simple stating of biblical truths are regarded as “an incitement to hatred” and therefore the breaking of the law [Incitement to Hatred Act] has occured … there is little hope left for the once prosperous and morally upright Judeo-Christian West: The end really is nigh.

    Militant atheists not only want biblical Christianity silenced they effectively want it completely removed, and ALL Christians with it, from society.

    … and when the rapture of ALL bible-believing Christians occurs they will indeed get their wish. Of course they may not be so keen on the release of the most evil fallen angels from hell [Tartarus] which occurs simultaneously with Christians being removed from the earth. The lid really will be off; and evil will reign supreme, with little hinderance, upon the earth:

    Luk 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
    Luk 21:26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

  2. WAKE UP says:

    One can only “blaspheme” that which one believes in in the first place. This is a perspective that zealots lose sight of (if they ever had it) – including “militant’ atheists, which makes them no different to zealots of any stripe. Sad, really; but they are, fortunately, a tiny minority and likely to remain so.
    Once again, I also add that if the bloody Muslims weren’t in the mix here stirring the pot, most of this hysteria wouldn’t be happening. Thanks to them, it’s free speech that’s under threat.

  3. mara says:

    Perhaps Mr Colgan should pop along to his local mosque and make the same complaint. He sounds like your everyday meddling, busybody, pant-wetting neighbourhood pest who has suddenly discovered the office of the director of pubic interdiction and thought, “Eureka … here’s a go!” I’m not religious myself, but I’d love to see him fronting up to mohammed..

  4. Pascal says:

    The short version of my link. One key factor of the Judeo-Christian ethic is presented at Genesis 22.
    1. God asks Abe to offer Isaac as a burnt offering in the manner similar to the pagan god Moloch.
    2. Abe and Isaac comply by coming up to make the offer, expecting God will honor His promise. “God will provide his own lamb.”
    3. God says ‘cease this practice. This is NOT what I want.’
    4. The very next thing, God makes a covenant with Abe and with all who would follow.
    5. The deliberate killing of innocents as a sacrifice for future success is now being brought back into fashion (abortions, non-procreative sex, the unfitting, unjust punishment of crimes including murder, and the blaming of victims.)
    6. The incremental undermining of all institutions that once followed those creeds that tie back to that covenant.

    The Judeo-Christian ethic is viewed as bothersome to those who feel they must play god. Thus the persecution of those who remain faithful to such creeds is inevitable — as your post is but one more bit of mounting evidence.

    If I overlooked something in this synopsis, please let me know.

  5. Pascal says:


    I started noticing a worrisome NEW wrinkle in my referrer log from statcounter.

    Those who access my blog from here are not going to my normal… address,
    but to…

    This is NOT happening to any of the hits coming from 18 other countries outside the United States, including Korea.

    China is not on this current month’s list, but we already know that Google has given China special censorship privileges. It seems awfully odd that Google would provide special addresses for an American blog when it is being read in NZ or Oz unless your governments have some plans for your communications accessibility they are not sharing with people at your pay grade.

    • KG says:

      “unless your governments have some plans for your communications accessibility they are not sharing with people at your pay grade..”
      You may bet they have.
      Pascal, when I access NZ blogs from Australia, the address resolves to
      It’s part of Google’s co-operation with governments that might wish to censor blogs in the same way China does.
      The noose is tightening.

      • Pascal says:

        Did you hear that North Korea declared anyone who used a cell phone during the mourning period for Kim Il Sung is guilty of a war crime?

        So in keeping with the Dear Leader tendencies, I guess, in future, if a blog has been officially censored down there, you could get charged with a crime for opening an email that contains the contents of a blog that has been censored?