
‘..Key and the other dignitaries made a quick escape with Maori wardens protecting them on either side…’
Charles Upham, he ain’t. But perhaps now he may have a dim, dawning understanding of the nature of the beast he panders to….

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32 Responses to bawaaahahaha!

  1. KG says:

    Very telling:
    ‘..About 100 Mana Party supporters – including unionists, anti-capitalist protesters and socialists – arrived in Paihia yesterday…’

    • octagongrappler says:

      Yes I saw on the news that those occupy Auckland losers have made there way up. This is a chance to put spikes on the grass before they come back.

  2. Pix says:

    Just shows what a pack of cowards Key and co. really are. They can’t even stand their ground with a pack of screaming racists and socialists. What a joke this National government has turned out to be. They are handing the country over to the tribalists and still the tribalists are screaming for more. Get rid of the Treaty references from all legislation, stop handing over vast areas of land and seabed to them, and leave the gravy train sitting at the station permanently.
    There, problem solved.

  3. Redbaiter says:

    Hahah– good job, smarmy little pandering commie prick.

  4. erikter says:

    Key, a pathetic and useless PM. Out with the little coward!

  5. Jay says:

    A cowardly escape by Key. Just goes to show, no matter how much pandering he does they’ll always be holding their hands out for more.

  6. WAKE UP says:

    Why go North on Waitangi Day at all?

    • Cadwallader says:

      Agree! But why does the msm continually loll about in this pointless affair? If all media ignored these losers they’d soon fade to nothing.

  7. octagongrappler says:

    John Kee lol is more to the left of Unty Helen on many issues. Still in 2030 when state governer kee kum soon is instructed by Beijing to abolish treaty with Mao decleration it will be a different story.

  8. Darin says:

    Drill baby drill :twisted:

    Sheesh what a bunch of noise,if that wasn’t bad enough it seems NZ will soon be gaining a Liberal movie director-

  9. mara says:

    AHHH… The sight of Key hanging onto Harawera’s gnarly old paw as she leads him to electoral oblivion will long infest my mind.

  10. kowtow says:

    If he was Charles Upham he’d a been throwing hand grenades left and right……..
    Now that would have been worth watching :razz:

  11. MarkR says:

    The time has come to move along from the shackles of the past; Key & Co need to grow some balls and make bold changes to the way we do business here in NZ Inc. You can’t be held to ransom by every pressure group. Modern times need modern concepts, none of which could have been considered at the time the Treaty was signed. Move forward and bin the bloody Treaty – it served its purpose in that, at the time, it stopped the local inhabitants getting wiped out by the settlers.
    Either live in the past, and with it no power, running water, security (dole), or other modern conveniences, or live in the modern world, with its shortcomings, and adapt to ensure you have a comfortable existence.
    Enough of the annual farce which is perpetuated by the masochistic needs of our politicians. Let’s have another day when we can celebrate the real New Zealand!

    • KG says:

      “ served its purpose in that, at the time, it stopped the local inhabitants getting wiped out by the settlers.”
      Well, it also helped stop the local inhabitants wiping one another out.
      Here’s an idea…how about the new Kiwi citizens (Indians, Chinese, Brits, South Africans etc) declaring they’re going to hold a “New Zealand Day” in celebration of all their adopted country has done for them. Hold it on the same day as Waitangi Day, thus presenting Key with a dilemma…suck up to the separatists at Waitangi or attend a truly popular Kiwi celebration?

      • WAKE UP says:

        “Well, it also helped stop the local inhabitants wiping one another out.”

        Recommended reading: “Guns and Utu”, by Matthew Wright

  12. caleb says:

    Fark, wasnt Upham a legend! Those guys would turn in their graves at what we are becoming.

    • Kris K says:

      From your link, Spidy [emphasis mine]:

      Constitutional lawyer Mai Chen, writing in today’s Dominion Post, said the negotiating power of Maori was “greater than ever before” and required “a different response from the Pakeha majority and from government”.

      The dispute over the status of the Treaty in the mixed ownership legislation could be resolved if the Treaty was written into the Bill of Rights Act.

      “We have to have the courage to openly discuss these issues with all New Zealanders, and not just Maori, to enable our constitution to evolve incrementally and not through violence and civil unrest. The Treaty is like an earthquake fault in society – much better to have small and frequent shifts than to allow pressure to build up and explode.” […]

      Mr Key, who this morning was due to attend the traditional dawn ceremony on Waitangi’s Treaty Grounds, said a Treaty clause in the Bill of Rights Act “may be possible”.

      “But the path we’re following at the moment is more specific Treaty clauses.

      Did we get that, folks?! And you don’t even have to read between the lines.
      More ‘hints’ that a New Zealand Constitution will include the Treaty, and that the Treaty will be “written into the Bill of Rights Act”.

      Clearly, non-Maori New Zealanders are soon to become second class citizens in their own country – with no legal [or otherwise] recourse!!!

      • KG says:

        Yep. The Bill of Rights Act is the maori’s Trojan horse, and most people are too thick or too uninformed to see that. By the time they’ve finished watching the TV soaps, it’ll be all over.

      • octagongrappler says:

        Lewis Holden from the NZ Republic Movement is always harping on about how we need a bill of rights in the new republic. Its actually chilling and most people wont see it or understand it.

        Thats why the Internet is so important is getting the truth across as mainstream media are a marxist joke.

        • KG says:

          Which is why we can expect the government to introduce as many controls on our access to the ‘net and free speech as it can get away with.

  13. Brigante55 says:

    Watch Key pull another rabbit (no pun intended here) out of his greedy little suck ass.. to appease the brown monkeys after Waitangi day.. you can see it written all over his smarmy smile.
    One thing for sure we are well well down the road to giving into giving Maori everything they ask for now.. We can only hope that given enough rope they will hang themselves..
    God knows New Zealand is f***** and there can only be one answer to save us and this beautiful country.
    Check out the banner on the site it says “The Revolution is Now” well isn’t it about time we settlers had our own ec revolution and saved whats left of Nz..

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      We are (having our own evolution), Brigante. We’re choosing to not let the door hit us in the arse on the way out.

      As heartbreaking as it is, New Zealand can now only be saved by total collapse. It remains the most beautiful country on earth, but politically, culturally and socially it is the Cuba of the South Pacific. In a generation or two, when the socialism of the past 50 years and the policies of appeasement practiced over the past 30 years are expunged from the New Zealand psyche following the country’s complete economic and social collapse, perhaps that will be the time for a new group of hardy settlers to once again claim New Zealand on behalf of civilization. Until that time, it’s hard to see any reason for any productive, entrepreneurial, free-market-loving capitalist to go anywhere near the place (although I know our friend Cadwaller has a different view).

      To steal a phrase from someone I admire deeply:

      John Key and the rest of your cadre of communists, take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the New Zealand people somewhere else. Get the HELL out of my country!

      • Brigante55 says:

        Couldn’t agree more with everything you’ve said above, yet it saddens me greatly as a new immigrant to Nz of some 22 years now to see that the actual demise of the country is due mostly to the blinkered and apathetic attitude of the majority of New Zealanders. A 10 year old child could tell you what the number one problem is in the country given the following facts.. Treaty monies handed out and still been handed out and daily costs associated with the Treaty and all the hang on Maori organizations dealing with claims, Total prison costs and inmate figures of Maori inmates, Total overall crime figures committed showing what percentage are perpetrated by Maori.
        Total welfare monies given out in New Zealand and again showing what percentage goes to Maori.
        Total figures of violent crimes including child and family violence that occur in Nz on a yearly basis (and increasing) need I say again showing what percentage of these crimes are related or shown to be Maori.
        These aren’t racist views these are facts and figures nothing more nothing less and they should be on the front page of every news paper in Nz, not some smoke screen about Mr
        Like Ive said a 10 year old child could give you the answer to our biggest problem given the above facts.
        Ask 9 out 10 Asian immigrants here in Nz what they find most distressing about living in Nz…. or the many many tourists that get robbed when they visit this so called safe land…
        Each time you will come up with the same answer… can bet on it:)
        Not racism just cold hard facts.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Bang-on, my friend, but unfortunately the left have such a strangle-hold on New Zealand now that to even mention that a certain subsection of society is over-represented in all of the wrong ways in the statistics tables will have you permanently, indelibly etched with their favourite epithet … raaaacccciiiiissssttttt.

          It’s the one they go for when they can’t fault the logic in your argument, but can’t bring themselves to consider you might be right. :roll:

      • octagongrappler says:

        Thas was bang on gantt, Poetry and made me a little heavy in the heart for my country.

        However Im actually considering moving to OZ as Im more certain than ever it is over for NZ. Its sad because we have had a great life in NZ.

        • Brigante55 says:

          Its sad to hear yet another New Zealander considering leaving such a beautiful place as this because of such reasons as that above.
          On the matter of racism, I can tell you for a fact that I have personally worked and lived in many countries throughout the world in my career and having done so had to work well side by side with many different races of people… So I have never and never will be a racist per se. Yet I came to New Zealand and only to find I am the victim of extreme reverse racism, yet nothing is ever done about it… But Oh Yeaaaah as soon as we mention anything Maori in a negative sense (albeit true) we are deemed racists..
          On that note I used to own a really dumb goldfish, but he never ever blew as many bullshit bubbles as this

          Rest my case:)

  14. The Gantt Guy says:

    Sorry, this is completely O/T but I couldn’t let it go.

    I’m watching Milton Friedman’s show “Free To Choose” from the 1980’s. It’s a great format where Friedman introduces a film clip which demonstrates the application of his views in the real world, then he holds a Master Class where various types from across the spectrum discuss the ideas. Imagine Bernanke trying this today? :roll:

    It’s available online here:

    Anyway in episode 2: The Tyranny of Control, Friedman is arguing in favour of tariff reduction. He says the US should move to eliminate trade tariffs over 5 years, and he says they should move unilaterally, even if other countries don’t follow. One of the panelists is none other than Donald Rumsfeld who, in what to my eye looks like an incredible irony (some less charitable types might say it’s hypocrisy) argues against unilateral tariff reduction. This is the guy who argued in favour of unilateral military action in the Middle East (and, presumably, anywhere else America’s interests are threatened) and he’s trying to argue against unilateral trade tariff elimination. It’s pretty hilarious. Or maybe I just need another coffee.