‘..Leaders of churches in Britain including the Archbishop of Canterbury and the head of Scotland’s Roman Catholics have made a Lenten call for repentance and a “change of direction” to combat the dangers of climate change…’ source
Well, that’ll do a lot for their credibility, won’t it? No wonder so many people regard the established Christian churches with contempt. Jumping on the fashionable socialist bandwagon of the day has stuff-all to do with Christ’s message.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Now you’ll be in trouble with ‘you know who’
The IPCC is about to release AR5, the newest ‘consensus’ report on climate change. Too bad it is based on a fraudulent premise….
These so called ‘Christian’ leaders are in fact doing the devil’s work for him – and I mean that in a literal sense.
Those who support the faux “global warming” scam are in effect supporting a global tax which will be justified on its back, and will fund, ultimately, the One World Government; the evil system under which Antichrist will rule the globe.
If these morons stuck to reading their Bible, rather than IPCC reports and other BS ‘scientific’ studies, they might actually have something to say which is worth listening to.
They sure don’t represent the views of any Christians I know.
Dying mainstream religion dips its pudgy toes in junk science for a media sound bite.
I love it.
These fake Christians are fuckin’ nuts.
…and so is that silly bitch, Lucy Lawless.
Lawless’s “Spartacus” is the most unwatchable show on television (and her previous incarnations weren’t much better), but somehow she’s managed to become a “revered actress”… beats me.
Reverance for the ordinary comes easily to sheeple with shit for brains….
I see your friend Dawkins has just done something of a backpedal, Wakey. Now says he’s “not sure God doesn’t exist”.