‘Global warming shrank horses to size of miniature schnauzers, study claims‘
It’s killed polar bears, caused permanent droughts, raised the oceans, caused unprecedented flooding, caused little girls to cry and now, it shrinks horses!
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- Darin on Open House 11/24/24
- Darin on Open House 11/24/24
- Darin on Open House 11/24/24
- Darin on Open House 11/24/24
- Darin on Open House 11/24/24
- Darin on Open House 11/24/24
- Darin on Open House 11/24/24
- Darin on Open House 11/24/24
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Not only that,the sky is shrinking too,we’re all gonna diiiiiiiie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well we are sooner or later anyway
The tiny Horse thing,NASA tells us that each year the Moon gets a very small but measurable amount further away.If we back calculate this trend over the last 80million years we find that the Moon was orbiting the Earth at an altitude of 35 feet.
This explains the death of the Dinosaurs,or at least the tall ones anyway
Yeah, I’ve read that too, Darin – another nail in the coffin of the first greatest ‘scientific’ fraud [evolution; the second greatest being AGW] perpetrated on mankind.
And don’t mention how deep they thought the moon dust would be prior to landing on the moon and discovering there was only about 6,000 years worth [ie only several centermeters].
If we are to believe in the Big Bang,the question still remains who lit the fuse?
You should apply for a grant, Darin. I’ll peer-review your work and we can retire to the Bahamas.
Correction: You’ll peer-review the work and retire to the Bahamas to spend the rest of your lives dissing the productive sector and helping to enslave the masses.
Oh….I forgot that bit, Scummy. We enslave the masses while comfortably ensconced in an absolute waterfont mansion, is that right?
Sounds reasonable to me.
You forget to mention (hat tip: Al Gore) that your mansion is below the predicted sea level rise.
BTW it was sad to see the comments at the Stuff.co.nz website of the 10:1 who support Lucy Clueless. There is no hope for a ‘great’ New Zealand. We are left with Mr Smile and Wave, Comrade Commie and 4,000,000 sheeple.
Fuckin’ sad.
Moochelle was just bitching and complaining about the rich……….wait for it……at a fundraiser full of rich people
What you mean is “there is no hope for
a ‘great’New Zealand.You’re welcome. Happy to help.
Thank God John Wayne didn’t live to experience this! “Sherrif I a-comin after yer on my little mount!”