Gutless, decadent, corrupt Europe:
‘Probation for Islamic Gang Rapists
They lured two thirteen-year-old girls into an apartment, and raped them there. Again and again the two children were forced by the testosterone-driven young Muslims to perform oral sex. On Monday, the Paderborn regional court reached a verdict. The two main perpetrators — although they had previously appeared in court on sexual charges — received probation. The two secondary culprits got 80 hours and 200 hours of social service respectively…’
Where are the girls’ fathers, brothers, neighbours in this? Males who will not protect the children and women in their care are not men and deserve as much contempt and disgust as the perpetrators. The animals should never have got to court alive.
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Agree. Somebody in the girls’ families needs to behead them and the judge. It is the only way the message will be sent.
This is nothing more than a further sign Europe is lost. This is the multi-culti siversity dividend writ large. Multi-culturalism must be rejected at every point. If immigrants are allowed from third world shit hole societies that hate us and want us dead, they should be given a period of time to assimilate (yes, I said the ‘A’ word) – including learning the damn language – and if they can’t or won’t or don’t, it’s back on the boat for you. Mohammed!
Ban ALL Moslem immigration and deport the ones here – except for attractive daughters whose fertility we will plunder to our own biological advantage. Pull down all mosques. Nuke Mekka. All else is pussy-shit.
Question: Will I get banned from CR Blog (as I have from Kiwiblog)?
The picture of the Jewish Family murdered by that muslim animal that was in Andrew Bolts article got to me this morning.Especially of the little girl he slaughtered.

Is there any doubt in any normal persons mind what absolute evil these vile 7th century throwbacks represent?Where is the outrage?Why are Mosques not in flames all over France today?The only rational response to this atrocity is to cut them out of existence like the Cancer they are.I hope the bastard that did this is fully alive and aware and swimming in molten Lead for eternity
Rest assured if those girls were related in any way to me or one of my friends those savages would be found hanging by their own intestines.
Vlad The Impaler had it right,they should be used to decorate Willow trees
Precisely! Where is Dracula when you really need him?
You know us better than that, Scummy.
and bho and his regime want to de-fang Florida’s -Stand Your Ground – mandate-
is it time yet-to fight back-and to Stand Our Ground–!!
As I just said to Gantt in a post above, Carol–there’s something very evil going on here. Not just corrupt, but deeply evil.
I figured out this morning what is up.The Florida outrage has been fanned up to provide media cover for the Healthcare hearings in the SCOTUS which began today.They want a smoke screen real bad to avoid the flames being fanned over the healthcare bill.
KG asks: “…Where are the girls’ fathers, brothers, neighbours in this? Males who will not protect the children and women in their care…”
IMHO, where they are is this: they’re living in the same culture as the perpetrators, and thus tacitly approving of them. Indeed, a turn of the screw and it could be “the girls’ fathers, brothers, neighbours” who will themselves BE the perpetrators. None of them can be trusted with anything, let alone doing the right thing.
Two more British servicemen murdered by an Afghan “ally”.
Judging from this story it looks like as many of our people were killed by Afghan army “renegades”recently as by the taliban. The sooner our people get out of there the better.
I just watched the doco My brother the radical islamist, created by a uy who’s brother converts to Jihadism, and it just hammered home the disgusting 2 faced attitude that the elite have with respect to Jihadists, and their acceptance in society today.
The Jihadists were allowed to get away with flag burning, common assault and defamatory and derogatory language, but the only people being arrested were EDL or people opposing the message of hate the Jihadis were spouting.
Reading your comment from above KG about something evil being perpetrated, I come to the conclusion that, indeed there is a distinct bias being played out, and not for anything other than to allow the Jihadis to propagate further hatred and incite violence with the ultimate aim of starting a religious war in the nations of Europe. The agitation and fomentation are all being used against the natives by the interlopers as an excuse to bring in Martial law, and restrict personal freedoms, with the ultimate aim of confiscation of property, freedoms and the subjugation of the masses for their ‘own good’.
“..The agitation and fomentation are all being used against the natives by the interlopers as an excuse to bring in Martial law, and restrict personal freedoms, with the ultimate aim of confiscation of property, freedoms and the subjugation of the masses for their ‘own good’.”
YES! Absolutely. It’s the only explanation that makes sense.