Not any more. A combination of primitive brown arseholes and gutless policing has seen to that. The police certainly wouldn’t claim to “lack resources” if it was a bunch of whites illegally closing a highway
Update: Thinking about this, what’s needed is some white Kiwis to get together and block off a public highway with a “picnic”. The police would have to act, thus demonstrating perfectly the double standard that operates in NZ.
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Hateful retarded savages can’t have had their palms greased. Bullshit like this (pandering to disruptive backwards scum) is the reason I’m doing this job, then another one, then looking at a move to Australia and possibly citizenship.
This is no longer the country of my childhood, but a sissified caricature where brown skin means a free-pass for fuckwittery.
“lack resources” – Buy more ammo then
either that or they want a pay out.
“He said the picnic would still go ahead on Saturday “not to oppose the rally but to celebrate the mountain and the park.”” The mountain will still be there after the race you morons.
Let’s be thankful they didn’t invoke a taniwha :roll
How about a bit of Death Race 2012 action?
I’d pay to see that…
There is actually a taniwha down at fergusson wharf! Did anyone know that…
This is very disturbing. What if the police are being straight up and they don’t have the resources, and there was a major (life threatening) problem in that part of the country. Would the police just do nothing?
Good question, Lucia Maria. They might argue that it’s a matter of priorities, but surely taking action when a highway is blocked for political reasons is a pretty high priority?
In fact, this is part of a pattern of inaction on the part of the police. They did nothing for months when protesters occupied the Taipa Boat Club premises and numerous other places before and since.
There is an undeniable pattern of “softly softly” policing where maori activists are concerned.
Which means the law deserves no respect whatsoever–if policing is not impartial and colourblind, then the law is nothing but a selective instrument of oppression.
Cop management should all be fired.
The law is the law.
These cops are criminals themselves.
Do 10 kilometres over the speed limit and they’ve got the resources.
What an arsehole of a country.
Clearly they have the resources. After all the were able to muster a couple of hundred in their ninja suits to arrest some dim witted terrorists(so called. Joke really), who would have visited the police station had they been asked, way in a back block and repeat the same with 78 ninja’s and two helicopters in the outskirts of Auckland to arrest and a mild mannered geekand his wife and babies.
I’m mean, we are only talking about a few hori’s with bad attitude. Oh that’s right we must not upset them they will want another Treaty claim.
Just about, Steve. Just about.
And kind of off-topic…guess who has virtually succeeded in banning bikinis for beach volleyball at the Olympics?
Not the Scottish Presbyterians, that’s for sure.
If the West ever does succeed in pulling itself together, we’ll be demanding that women don’t have to play volleyball in what is equivalent to underwear.
Off topic even more – my Dad was one of the originators of volleyball in NZ. I found an internet article with a bit more: Eagles Victoria Volleyball. I don’t think he would have been impressed with women playing volleyball in their bikinis.
:wtf Yet another sport reduced to the status of gawlf and ennis,oh theh humanitah!
“we’ll be demanding that women don’t have to play volleyball in what is equivalent to underwear.”
Those of us who value liberty above all else will be demanding no such thing.
Women are free to wear what they want.
The alternative–and it’s a very real alternative if those “conservative countries” in the article have their way–is to have women in the West stoned to death for wearing what they want.
Those countries which object to the bikinis are free to not send teams.
Either we stand for liberty, or we don’t.
And if Westerners are made to respect the dress codes of “conservative” (read: oppressive theocracies) countries when competing there, why are athletes from those countries not made to conform to the norms of the host country?
In fact, what’s going on here is spineless acquiescence and lack of cultural confidence.
There probably is spineless acquiescence and lack of cultural confidence , but it could also be a guilty conscience at making women wear bikinis. The article does say that the bikini was part of the required uniform, so it was not exactly a choice to start with.
When the bikini was first invented (by a man who worked in his mother’s underwear shop in France), no self-respecting woman would model it for him. He had to hire a stripper to do it.
Right now there is a huge (unpublicised) push back from conservative Christian women in reclaiming modesty (of the proper type, not the sack over the body Islamic thing), so, if we win, the bikini will become an artefact of a bygone age.
Lucia Maria, I regard a theocracy (or dress codes) imposed from Rome (or any Christian churches) as no better than one imposed from Mecca.
Both are the enemies of liberty.
KG, I think you are mistaken in equating the two. One is obviously very limited in choice, the other is entirely dependant on your choice. I trust you to understand
You say Those of us who value liberty above all else will be demanding no such thing.
Women are free to wear what they want.
and Lucia Says we’ll be demanding that women don’t have to play volleyball in what is equivalent to underwear.
Seems to me you are both arguing for anyone to wear what they feel happy with, no?
Not quite. If Lucia has her way, then teams won’t be able to play in bikinis, it seems to me. Perhaps I’m mis-reading her, though.
I may be wrong but I think Lucia means they won’t want to play in bikinis.
How much of this is about watching young women with bugger all on play in the sand?
Stop … erm … trying to change the … ahh … subject there, Ciaron. You either believe in freedom and liberty, or you don’t. Nobody is forcing yo to watch the beach volleyball, in the same way as nobody is forcing those young women to play beach volleyball.
If you have a problem, I hear Afghanistan is playing Saudi Arabia in the ladies’ soccer. It may be of more interest to you.
You can shove soccer (and beach volleyball for that matter) where the sun don’t shine Gantt
To answer your asertion, I do believe in freedom and liberty… I’d just rather live in a world that wasn’t quite so obsessed with sex. For example (an this may just be me), I find it quite disheartning to see 10-13 year olds wandering about in garb that 10 years ago would have instantly identified them as ladies of negotiable affection
Absolutely agree with your sentiment, Ciaron. One thing I can guarantee is my Miss Six will have too much self-respect when she gets to ‘those’ years to dress the way some of them do today. But it isn’t societal dress codes, morality codes or any diktats from government that will disappear such attitudes and, frankly, dangerous practices. They are but a symptom. A casualty, if you will, of the Left’s war in the traditional family. Gone, it seems, are the days when a father could say to his daughter ‘you’re not leaving the house dressed like that!’ and until we return fathers to their place at the head f the family (and mothers to their place at fathers side) I’m afraid that discussions abut dress codes are merely a band aid n a cancer.
I think you’re right, and that Lucia, yourself and I are on roughly the same page about getting there. I’m just trying to show our brother KG that the Christian solution does not impinge on his personal freedom (Don’t think I’m doing well
In today’s world not allowing your daughter to dress like a street walker will get you brought up on child neglect charges.
It all goes back to “he who controls the language controls the culture”we need to start calling sluts,sluts,whores,whores and liars,liars.
Till then it doesn’t matter what they wear.
I am against nude beaches though,after a certain age people really shouldn’t run around naked
“I’m just trying to show our brother KG that the Christian solution does not impinge on his personal freedom (Don’t think I’m doing well”
So far, no, you’re not.
I may be wrong but I think Lucia means they won’t want to play in bikinis.
You are correct.
Nearly all of it. Women’s tennis is not far behind. :whoop
That was a reply to CIARON’s : “How much of this is about watching young women with bugger all on play in the sand? “
I admire your honesty.
And what use to regain modesty in dress when then core of society has been hollowed out? Without honour and a sense of duty and a respect for our traditions, dressing modestly is practically meaningless.
Exactly. A moral and upright society is not to be had by enforcing dress codes, whether they be that all women must wear a tent, or there shall be no ankle shown on the beach. If bikinis, would Lucia also propose outlawing budgie smugglers? Same principle. And what else is deemed undesirable, and therefore ‘bad’, and thus banned?
This discussion (I believe) started with women’s volleyball. As I understand it, the rules for beach volleyball are quite simple; the uniform is a bikini. Nobody forces anybody to wear a bikini, only those who wish to participate in beach volleyball. Don’t want to wear the bikini? No problem; find another sport. There is no coercion. To take it the next step, what if I don’t like polyester? Does that mean I can force my employer (*all* employer uniforms, with the possible exception of the military, are made from polyester) to change their dress code? Well perhaps, but only if I want to wear a tent instead of my uniform.
Modesty is where everything begins; it can all be rebuilt from there.
Our God is the Resurrected One. Anything or anyone can be brought back from the dead.
I’ll have a think as to how to answer this question, because it’s not a quick answer.
‘What an arsehole of a country.’
I agree, Mr Ratbeater.
Ciaron said: “How much of this is about watching young women with bugger all on play in the sand?”
Utterly irrelevant.
What this is about is other cultures, other countries, trying to force their religion-driven dress codes on Western countries, on a Western sport.
If they choose to play in Western countries, then they should respect the rules which apply in those countries. Neither Lucia or you have answered the core question: Why the hell are we expected to respect their cultures. their rules when we visit their countries, yet they are not required to do the same when they visit ours, demanding instead we change to suit them?
All the talk about God, the church, women regaining their modesty in dress etc is a large red smelly fish.
Point 1; You will note that that statement was made somewhat tongue in cheek.
Point 2; I’m with you, it’s bull shit and it’s got me fucked. I’m going to have a good think about demonstrating my point and hopefully give you something to consider by tomorrow morning
We’re still mates, right?
Of course! lol
If they were wrong about this point, then it would be a different. But they are not wrong, that’s the problem.
Yes they are. What’s more, you don’t answer the question. Neatly sidestepped.
this is quite clearly an animal rights protection move. Think of the goats butts, and the rapings that will happen if these athletes are televised into the the shitholes of fuckedupistan
As for “modesty is where everything begins; it can all be rebuilt from there”…
modesty is merely an arbitrarily-chosen starting point. How about liberty is where it all begins?
We don’t seem to have tried that yet.
For the record, once and for all–I’m as adamantly opposed to the Christian churches interfering with what liberty I have left as I am to Islam doing it. A Roman Taliban is as unacceptable as the sandy variety.
The whole beach volley ball thing is bollox.
The Olympics have become corrupted by big money and the need for bigger audiences.
They keep adding events or spectacles (I won’t call them sports) that are attempts to get audiences.Where has the notion of participation and amateurism gone?
Beach volley ball is one of the spectacles and is an obvious drawcard,got nothing to do with the Olympic spirit though and I have a feeling that the skimpy outfits for the women was mandated on that basis.
Being dictated to by “conservative ” countries? Is that code for Muslim?
“Being dictated to by “conservative ” countries? Is that code for Muslim?”
Of course it is. And there are plenty of people in the West who are sympathetic towards islam precisely because it imposes a rigid morality.
A longing for the morality of the past is no reason to trash liberty. If what ails the West can’t be fixed without resorting to a “morality” imposed by government (read religious) diktat then we are screwed.
I’m no theologian but one thing I do remember from various lessons etc is we Christians believe in free will, it’s fundamental to Christian thinking.In fact that’s one of the lessons of Adam and Eve, they were free to disobey God. So that notion of human freedom is very ancient.We are free to make choices to do right or wrong etc.
Here’s what the catholic encyclopaedia says.
“I’m no theologian but one thing I do remember from various lessons etc is we Christians believe in free will, it’s fundamental to Christian thinking.”
Geddoffit, Kowtow–lots of Christians have been persecuted by their own churches. If nothing else, it certainly has happened on a local level with some denominations. There’s no lack of Christians advocating compulsory this and prohibited that, is there?
Back to first principles. Kowtow is correct – the reason churches and/or some Christians want to ban this, tax that and welfare the other is because they are leftists who are perverting/ have perverted the faith. Sadly, like in so many other areas of life these days, they (leftists/Statists/perverters) seem to be in the majority, or at least in sufficiently significant minority to get their views and programs.
Well, it’s not much use people talking about what Christianity theoretically is–or used to be–if the reality right now is different, is it?
yup, but here is the good news. At several points in the NT, we are warned against “false teachers” and instructed to test teachings against scripture. If it doens’t line up, walk.
How’s that for free will?
Mate if I was ever in a church where the preacher didn’t encourage the congregation to test his sermon against scripture I would walk immediately.
It is, of course, a gross misuse(*) of the word “conservative”. Muslims aren’t “conservative”, they’re PRIMITIVE.
(*) Once again, we’ve let the Left get away with framing the debate :rant .
“Why the hell are we expected to respect their cultures. their rules when we visit their countries, yet they are not required to do the same when they visit ours, demanding instead we change to suit them?”
Why? Because we are free, open, democratic and GENEROUS – everything they are not.
GANTT said: “I hear Afghanistan is playing Saudi Arabia in the ladies’ soccer. ”
At last, a new benchmark in boredom
SPOONLEY wa son “Close Up” YET AGAIN last night :gunner
Really!!! when tonight what about??? Oh let me guess
LUCIA MARIA said (way back): ” If the West ever does succeed in pulling itself together, we’ll be demanding that women don’t have to play volleyball in what is equivalent to underwear”.
No we won’t, we’ll be making free democratic choices. (Hands up anyone not sick of bloody “demands”).
DARIN said (way back): “Yet another sport reduced to the status of gawlf and ennis,oh theh humanitah!”
Cricket’s credibility isn’t too flash these days either, ever since Hanse Cronje it’s gone steadily downhill. :cheers