‘The incoming Liberal National government in Queensland … is promising to slash $661 million worth of state-based environmental initiatives over the next three years, and, as one of his first acts, Premier Campbell Newman withdrew $75 million earmarked for the Solar Dawn project near Chinchilla, part of the federal government’s Solar Flagship Program.’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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And, in a poke directly up Wayne Swan’s rusty bullet holt, they’ve arranged for Peter Costello to audit the state’s finances. :popcorn :whoop
Yep. Shame and a large dose of peer pressure might just yet pull Premier Baillieu away from the climate con. Weird thing is the bugger is damn near invisible. Newman and O’Farrell get more coverage in the Melbourne press than Baillieu. It might be because the leftist media have decided to freeze him out, but this is the home of the Herald Sun FFS. I’m beginning to wonder if he isn’t just a tiny bit embarrassed to be a Lib/Nat Premier in the pinkest state in the nation! :rant
Well, Queensland is where all the smart kiwis have been going for nigh on thirty years now, so no wonder it is leading the way
I love the fact the premier has put the exiting commies’ husband in charge of dimantling his own eco-loon socialism.
It’s a lesson on the definition of the word ‘irony’, Pinky. Far, far better than “we win, you lost, eat that!”
A bloody good start. I only hope Queensland becomes the template for the rest of the countries polluted by this madness.
and hopefully the Keyster will see the benefits in dumping the overt lies and theft the whole industry is
I admire your optimism, Mort.
Wonderful, the more money he takes away from the green programs the better, they’re utterly useless and a waste of money we don’t have. Federal labor had better wake up, the electorate is angry, very angry.
Time to start up that Wind Turbine/Solar panel demolition service,wait here,I’ll get me Torch