Not just for Catholics:

Thanks to Francis Porretto for this. Come November, conservative Americans are faced with the fight of their lives. All that matters is to get out there and vote for whoever has the best chance of getting rid of the illegitimate pretender in the White House. Let’s  pray they do it, for all our sakes.

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7 Responses to Not just for Catholics:

  1. MIchael in Nelson says:

    And if Maori are statistically more likely to abuse and kill their children shouldn’t there be a proper discussion of that?

    • KG says:

      Ah yes, Carol..much derided by the critics, loved by people who liked it enough to pay for it.
      Critics hate that….

      • Darin says:

        Most art critics in this country are perverted homosexuals,by extension they hate anything that isn’t perverted and homosexual especially anything that has a positive uplifting view of Christianity.

        One of his critics stated his work was “gawky and overly religious” I guess that would apply to Micheal Angelo and Da Vinci too? :roll:

        In addition to being perverted queers most are also talentless hacks who wouldn’t know real artistic talent if it danced naked in front of them under a flashing neon sign declaring such.

        R.I.P. Thomas Kinkade and may your critics awaken from their Heroine induced commas long enough to realise what truly pathetic hacks they are.

  2. Darin says:

    Back on topic,November can’t get here soon enough for me.I will crawl on my hands and knees over broken glass while carrying a live hornets nest on my back to camp out on the cold,wet ground just to be the first one in line to vote the f–king traitor Kenyan SOB out of office :rant

  3. mara says:

    Francis Porretto, what a guy! So glad he’s back. Just btw, a Nigerian chap I know , a NZ citizen,not a Muslim, travels abroad constantly on business, is seriously clever and refined and is ALWAYS held up by airline security, in part, perhaps, because he is a very tall, imposing looking black man carrying a briefcase. He has zero history. He handles this without fuss every time; not out of goodheartedness, I suspect, but because of sheer pragmatism. I would not like to be him.