Want to bet their names have a 100% “refugee” coefficient?

‘Police say they will oppose bail when four Canadian men appear in the Auckland District Court this morning in relation to the latest eftpos skimming scam…’

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8 Responses to Want to bet their names have a 100% “refugee” coefficient?

  1. Anonymous says:

    Sina Chea, Kevin Roberto Flores Roldan, William Alexande Rivera-Rivas and Mario Rivera would appear in court in connection with the latest scam targeting New Zealanders’ bank cards.

    Typical names from the Anglosphere, I see.

  2. KG says:

    :mrgreen: Bingo!
    Thanks, Anon.

  3. Darin says:

    NAFTA strikes again :popcorn

  4. Diamond Mair says:

    Darin beat me to a commentary regarding ………………………………… “Baja America” ………………………………… :rant

    Semper Fi’

  5. Flashman says:

    Yet another unwelcome diversity dividend.

  6. kowtow says:

    Yep, not a Fraser,MacIntosh or Campbell among them (OK and no Pierre Le Trappeur either).

  7. KG says:

    Le Trappeur? :whoop :whoop