Is heterosexual marriage now obscene?

Via Tim Blair:
‘A mural at a US high school was deemed so offensive that school officials were moved to conceal one particularly controversial scene.
Following negotiations, however, the shocking image depicted by teenager Liz Bierendy may now be viewed:
Bierendy, a junior, painted a mural depicting the life of a man ending with the man being married and standing with his wife and child.’

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5 Responses to Is heterosexual marriage now obscene?

  1. KG says:

    And O/T, Right Wing Theocrat has an interesting item about Zimmerman here:

    Silence from the MSM and the race hustlers on this. Amazed, we are…../sarc

  2. mort says:

    holyshit, i thought i was taking the piss the other day when I said my overtaking of slowpoke drivers using oncoming passing lanes was as bad as heterosexual marriage, but then this event actually happens! Freedom of speech is truly under attack.

  3. Darin says:

    Read the comments by Gene under that article and you get a glimpse of the mindset behind this insanity.

    Forget any religious argument for marriage,it’s a simple concrete fact that the family unit has always been since the dawn of civilization,man and woman cohabiting and producing children which grow up to do the same.Anything else is abnormal and it’s time a line is chiseled in stone as such.

  4. Findalis says:

    G-d wants it to be Man, Woman, Children. It is not Man, Man or Woman, Woman.

  5. WAKE UP says:

    It’s hard to believe that this story is true, it’s so insane.