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Over fifty years old, and a work of art.
So how many are you planning to buy?
Lovely car.
Just this one, Findalis–as soon as I can rake together a few mil.
1957 and a ‘work of art’. Sounds like me!
There’s a few of us around, Ross!
Acceptable transportation,steering wheel is on the wrong side though :popcorn
Not for my roads. (that’s the roads where I can stretch its legs without blue and red flashing lights in the rearview mirror. )
(that’s the roads where I can stretch its legs without blue and red flashing lights in the rearview mirror. )
Isn’t that what makes it fun though?
I had a Budd in Canada who said “Mustang 428 Cobrajet =two blocks of solid rubber =two Canadian Mounties =several expensive tickets =higher insurance rates :censor
Oh,BTW-you’ve got mail!
’57 was a good year. The Chevy models were a picture and are still easy on the eyes.
They sure were. Among my favourite cars.
A beautiful car indeed! Imagine a gaggle of public servants trying to design something like this.
Tui billboard, Cad? Only a singular half-mad genius could have produced it, and that’s pretty much the way with great art, far as I can see.
And those aluminium bodies were hand-formed over wood patterns and curves. That in itself is impressive craftsmanship.