Education: nothing but a Marxist indoctrination machine.

‘…A different 2007 study, says the report, found the 5-to-1 margin between liberal versus conservative professors had become 8-to-1. Almost 20 percent of professors in social sciences and 25 percent of sociology professors self-identifies as “Marxist.”
And things are getting worse. Younger professors tend to be even more liberal than older ones. Among UC Berkeley’s associate and assistant professors, according to one study, registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans by 49-to-1 in all departments — including sciences. When Berkeley associates and assistants replace the older professors as they retire, the extreme 8-to-1 tilt in favor of liberal profession could reach 50-to-1…’
And that, believe it or not, is just the noisome crust on the cesspit…

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11 Responses to Education: nothing but a Marxist indoctrination machine.

  1. mara says:

    And this today from the …….. :gunner “London University Stopping Sale of “Immoral” Alcohol on Campus Because it Offends Their Muslim Students.” Have a spew bag on hand if you decide to read it. We really are stuffed.

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    Bill Whittle’s latest Afterburner also deal with this issue of edudoctrination.

  3. I’ve said for a while that economic departments are the ONLY Uni departments that have a balanced debate… and not for much longer…

  4. Andrei says:

    A few years ago my nephew was doing a history paper US history 1960s – his topic for an essay how blacks were used as cannon fodder by the US Military in Vietnam – forget the exact title but you get the gist.

    Anyway I told him that was BS and that blacks were under represented in the casualties in Vietnam, showed him the proof – draft age black males in 1970 (they were called negros back then, remember that?) were 13% of the draft age male population but accounted for 11% of Vietnam deaths – the numbers don’t lie and I gave him a reference JG Burkett’s “Stolen Valor” where this is detailed along with the methodology for doing it – it was done by a historian for him, JG Burkett that is.

    Anyway he got a D and was told that this book was not a proper reference!!!! The received wisdom is that blacks were sent to Vietnam to die and don’t let any real facts get in the way of that.

    In the real world it was educated middle class boys who are over represented in the figures, in part because a lot who died were helicopter crew, including two pilots who had at least a high school diploma but most in most cases an undergraduate degree and a lot of young infantry officers died as well.

  5. mara says:

    Andrei, I take your broad point but re your nephew’s difficulties … it’s a curly one. My girl is 3rd year towards a degree at AK. Uni. For some reason that escapes me currently, she is doing a “Maori wuz robbed” paper towards this. After the 1st lecture she came home ranting in fine Conservative fashion. I advised her to bite the bullet and tell the fool what he wanted to hear. Arguably, she is not equipped to deal with this shit; I want her “degreed” and outta there . I,m old and ugly enough to engage the institution if I so chose . But bottom line, your nephew and my girl are not fooled. They will pop up somewhere when and where they can.
    Patience is hard but sometimes required.

  6. Flashman says:

    NZ universities will be no different – but with the added zest of the Born Again Maori Brigade.

    Hint: the bigger the bone carving, the thicker the skull.

  7. The Gantt Guy says:

    And it appears they no longer feel the need for a mask at all in Kalifornicatistam…

    Anyone wanna bet it isn’t exactly the same in every other university system?