Erich Von Holder’s DOJ is now a cudgel for blacks to beat whites with.

‘..Holder’s statements make it clear:  if your dead son happens to be white and a federal agent protecting America’s borders, he’s the wrong color and in the wrong profession for Holder’s DOJ to take “appropriate action.”
On the other hand a black 17-year old with multiple school suspensions for possession of drugs and burglary tools, killed by a “white hispanic” fits the criteria for Holder’s race war…’

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4 Responses to Erich Von Holder’s DOJ is now a cudgel for blacks to beat whites with.

  1. Michael and Patricia Stevenson says:


    That leftist rag ‘The Press’ had a major piece about Zimmerman’s arrest that repeated most of the inaccurate race baiting talking points from the US MSM. We are sooooo glad we stopped taking it (the final blow was its promotion of ‘Earth Hour’ bullshit).

  2. WAKE UP says:

    Holder STILL hasn’t done anything about the Black Panther voter initimidation.,

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      No and he won’t, because he won’t bring charges against “his” people. What about charges in Fast & Furious? Nope, I don’t think he’s gonna indict himself or Janet Napolitano. He’s too busy chasing State’s AGs who want people to identify themselves before they vote.