A post by Darin:
Lately we have been hearing a lot in the US about the supposed Republican War on Women. Ever since the Sandra Fluke controversy several months back we have heard from Democrats that Republicans are waging a War on Women.These evil Republicans want them to buy their own birth control pills, they want women to earn less money than men, they want to spend less on women’s health and education. By golly they want women to stay home bare foot and pregnant in service to their masters men! Voting Republican according to them will turn back the cause for women’s equality for 50 years… the horror!
In addition those same evil Republicans have been waging war on Black people, yes, that’s right they hate Black folk too.They hate Blacks so much that after the Travon Martin shooting they didn’t immediately form a lynch mob to hunt down and hang George Zimmerman-the shame!Not only that, but they have even rallied the troops in 34 states to enact voter ID legislation.Imagine that, someone having to prove they are who they say in order to vote and determine the path our nation takes, simply unreal! This of course will block all Black people, the poor, the disenfranchised, the downtrodden and those who simply cannot make it to their local DMV and obtain a picture ID within a four year span between elections, oh the humanity!
Then we have the war on the environment, yes, it’s true according to Democrats. The Republicans even hate the Environment.They hate Clouds and Rainbows,Bunny Rabbits,Snails,Unicorns and Leprechauns.They love smoke stacks,oil wells,nuclear waste,garbage and pesticide. If Republicans take control they say we will all die in a horrible smog riddled post apocalyptic world of raw sewage, depleted ozone and global warming….errrr….ahhhhh…I mean Climate change.
This is just a short list of all the people and things Republicans just hate and are at war with according to the Democrats.There are many, many more they say, but to save typing and to hopefully keep those reading this awake we shall focus on just these few.
The above mentioned groups and policies are the rumors of wars, now lets take a look at the reality of war on these groups and who has won the most battles so far.
Women, Black people, the environment, plants and animals it seems are endowed with all sorts of assumed extra-constitutional “rights” that dare not be questioned, according to Democrats. It’s Democrats that say it’s fine for women to be single mothers, even though the statistics clearly point out that it is not. It’s Democrats who say it’s fine for Blacks and other minorities to remain on social programs for generations even though the effects of this are plastered across the news papers daily. It’s Democrats who say animals and plants have the same rights as do we even though jobs are lost, resources are squandered and standards of living eroded. It’s Democrats who manipulate people, genders, resources, elections and – if we do not resist – our very rights under God. But all of this is just a distraction, a smoke screen if you will.
When we pull back from this and look at the bigger picture we realise that this isn’t just about Republican and Democrat, rich or poor, black or white, it’s much bigger than that and extends to the entire globe.The above mentioned wars and many more like them aren’t wars at all, but merely battles in a much larger conflict.We look around at what exists among the nations of men and the reality comes home.
The reality is that Dictatorships, Oligarchys and Socialist totalitarian regimes outnumber Democracies nearly three to one and have for the previous two centuries. The numbers have fluctuated, nation states have come and gone, but the struggle, the human struggle between good and evil, freedom and tyranny is still very much raging and it’s outcome has never been less certain. We in the west who have in times past been lured into lowering our defenses are slowly awakening to a frightening dawn where our old mortal enemies have once again reared their heads while we were asleep. It is now comingĀ a call to arms. Will we answer the call and take up the fight anew or slip quietly into the grave? The first major shots have already been fired by the enemy. Around the globe the fundamental freedoms of thought and expression are under attack.Numerous bills and legislation have been brought forth in the US,UK,Canada,Australia,Germany,France,Poland, Denmark and several more I am sure, to limit or even outlaw free speech in terms of questioning the government all the way to confronting terrorism and violence.This is the core fight, the one we are being distracted from.
On a Fall morning in 1776 a young man just 21 years old was led down the Post Road on the Isle of Manhattan near modern day 66th street and Third avenue.There from the branch of a large Elm tree he was hanged. Before being hung he said in a speech witnessed by those in attendance-
“I am so satisfied with the cause in which I have engaged I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country”
That young man was Nathan Hale, hung as a spy because spies were deemed illegal combatants. More important to our fight today however is the parallel between a spy and our Internet bloggers, independent journalists and alternative media outlets.Like Nathan Hale they are on the brink of being declared illegal combatants.The only difference now is, if they hang we all hang.We are in a fight for our lives, a fight we cannot afford to lose no matter the costs.
If you the reader value the service and sacrifice made by the men and women of the new media in exposing the actions and deeds of our would be tyrants, then I beg of you, write your elected officials, sign petitions and by God dig in and fight or feel the rope!
I like horror flicks, don’t you? lol
It will mostly be horror for the Democrats and incumbents (R & D)
That’s right, it’s a Republican War on Women
I saw her do an interview today and frankly I wish she was running. :popcorn
Yeah she’s certainly stepped up and improved a hellufalot since Breitbart died. She was pretty good before, but now she eviscerates the LSM at every opportunity.
The pitiful gulf between thinking people and the comments on Gantt’s link above are frightening.
Great postt, Darin. The best thing that every Republican supporter and voter could do would be to absolutely refuse to countenance the term “war on women”. There is NO SUCH THING, and once again, every time it pops up, it’s the Left dictating the terms of debate.
Precisely WU,we need to turn it around by doing what they do,simply laugh off the idea and ridicule anyone who brings it up.