John Derbyshire:

A fine essay. ‘Crusading They Went’

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4 Responses to John Derbyshire:

  1. kowtow says:

    The entry in the Catholic Encyclopaedia on the subject is good. It was written before the PC era ,is detailed and has an interesting conclusion.

    As an aside it’s sad how the word “crusade” has been debased by the anti Christian, multiculturalist bigots. Eisenhower would not be able to call his book Crusade in Europe,using todays perverted values.

  2. KG says:

    Thanks for the link, Kowtow I’ll go take a look.
    “multiculturalist bigots”….how true.

  3. very old war against the turbaned heads-

    Francis Scott Key used the words “turbaned heads” in his poem – which led to the Star Spangled Banner–got to go back to my research papers to find out why—
    I do know that the Marine Hymn dates back to our (US) war against the Barbary Pirates (muslims) thus-the words– Shores of Tripoli…
