‘What if the government rejects the Constitution?’

Judge Andrew Napolitano:
‘..What if the Constitution has been tacitly amended by the consent of both political parties, whereby instead of ratifying amendments, all three branches of government merely look the other way when the government violates the Constitution?
….What if enough is enough? What do we do about it? What if it’s too late?…’
It’s time to water that tree…

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8 Responses to ‘What if the government rejects the Constitution?’

  1. KG says:

    While we’re on the subject:
    ‘Napolitano perjured herself to Congress in Fast & Furious testimony’

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I agree with many of the comments under that post, KG. why are the Repubs in an allegedly Tea Party Comgress not hammering this bunch of crooks,chugs and frauds?

      • KG says:

        Perhaps because politics has become nothing more than stylized ritual, and real opposition would break the unspoken rules of the game?
        Perhaps because both gangs have far more in common with one another than they do with the people they’re supposed to represent?

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          I think you’re right. The party system, the lobbying, the corruption are now so endemic to both sides that to expose them would bring the whole house of cards tumbling in a river of blood.

  2. KG says:

    O/T, but I’m willing to bet that one could drive a bus through the gaps and distortions in this “study”:
    ‘Charter schools ‘harmful’ says study’

    Well worth a post, but I’m tired of pointing out idiocies and dishonesty in NZ edukashun.

    • Darin says:

      One more time the exact same pattern exists elsewhere in the world as it does here.The left and the teachers union here are dead set against Charter Schools and Home Schooling since it cuts into they’re monopoly indoctrination centers.

      And people say I’m crazy when I say Global Communism is alive and well and has Degrees from University hanging on the wall behind it :rant .

  3. KG says:

    Also O/T, I’ll no longer link to articles by Andrew Bolt. His new habit of putting up links to articles behind a paywall is rude and bloody irritating. The very least he could do is warn his readers beforehand.

  4. the Judge is correct–the Constitution means nothing to the Ds or many Rs…
    thus-I now call myself a Constitutionalist rather than a Republican…