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- Darin on Open House 3/16/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 3/16/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 3/16/25
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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 3/16/25
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Lest we forget
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We will remember them.
We will.
I’ve just been to the dawn service in this little Western Queensland country town, Moneo. Simple, short and dignified, with just a lone piper. No gimmicks, no trendies. And far more moving than the circus some big-city services have become.
I went to the Wellington Dawn Service – they fired off a genuine gun, which was good and all, but the talking was over and done with quickly, and the French Ambassador was unfortunately quite generic in his comments, as the headline speaker. The hymns were not sung by anyone but the provided choir, either – neither was the National Anthem. My partner and I felt like the only ones around us singing.
It didn’t leave me as moved as I remember the smaller, suburban services led by RSA’s in Auckland or a couple of years ago in Masterton.
Same sort of service here. Short, with no bullshit. :cheers
I do so, alone and 13,000 miles away, but I do so.
Good for you, Seneca. I’ve remembered it alone many a time, and it doesn’t lose anything for that.
As long as Freemen and women live and have breath they will NEVER be forgotten!!
The one thing I was deeply, deeply pissed-off about this morning was they played the NZ national anthem, as courtesy dictates, but they played the effing MAORI
Thats a joke KG :rant
This is our only remaining symbol of our heritage left in NZ
I live close to the Auckland war memorial Muesum, But I did not and could not attend a trendy,inclusive over the top ceremony
I will head down to the 11am session somewhere nice and simple with the old soldiers :cheers
Least we Forget.
Sorry to do this on anzac day
A new Australian wins essay award to honor anzacs
They just cant stop for one minute can they, 
Relentless propaganda, and at least a couple of generations are too uninformed to realise that’s what it is, Grappler. :rant
The freedoms we enjoy came at a heavy cost indeed,let’s hope the next generation doesn’t take it for granted.
I suspect they already do, Darin.
The next war is already being waged on home soil.
Our enemies are primarily the Marxist elite in our halls of power, followed by the non-assimilating immigrant sub-class they allow to flood through our borders, and the home-grown useful idiots too thick and indoctrinated to realise they enable this lunacy to continue …
It’s a long target list, Kris…….like playing whack-a-mole.
I see hope here,the number of kids that turn out to the D-Day museum and other local war memorials and truly listen and learn is growing.I think partly because of the fascination of it and learning something they were never taught or only taught at passing in school.
Speaking of such,if any of you ever get over this way the D-Day museum is worth the effort-
What a fine site! Thanks for the link, Darin.
Yeah, thanks Darin.
For some fun checkout the Higgins PT-305 restoration-
I wish I had time to volunteer I have a friend who does and they really do have a blast.
Interesting item, Darin. That’s built using something called Ashcroft construction, and it’s a real bastard to repair or restore.
I.M Fletcher has a beautiful post and a magnificent painting up over at NZ Conservative.
Really outstanding!