‘A father of 12 who moved his family to Australia says he wishes he’d left ‘benefits Britain’ long ago.
David Jones, his wife Jackie, 43, and their children aged from four months to 18 have only been in Brisbane, Queensland, for two weeks but are already reaping the benefits from the Aussie way of life.
Mr Jones says he has had six job interviews and is due to start work as a machine fitter shortly.
The family also say they have also been overwhelmed by the welcome they have received from complete strangers.
…’They (Australians) just seem to have a completely different outlook on life. People don’t expect something for nothing. They work for what they get and they value their leisure time.’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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What a pleasant change from the jump-off-the-boat, get-$10,000-and-welfare-for-life crowd. Someone who is here to actually contribute.
White Flight, anyone?
These are the kind of immigrants Australia needs. (if we need immigrants at all, that is, something I’m not convinced about).
Nah, I reckon 20 million is about full up for this place, KG. any more than that and you run out of elbow room.
Absolutely! When I was a kid, it was just twelve mil or so, and that was plenty. More people hasn’t improved anything.
At least out here, we have room to stretch.
How about 20 million more like him? Think of what the nation would be like?
It is too bad you can’t get more like him and give Britain your Muslim scum.
Noooooo! I’d prefer people like him to what’s coming in now, Katie, but the last thing Australia needs is more people.
Completely O/T, but our friend Katie Findalis just got quoted on Red State Talk Radio!!
That’s pretty cool! How did you find that out?
Listening in the internet. The Conservative Underground program. An excellent rant about Zero’s surrender talks with the Taliban and what it means when the Islamists realize they’ve won.
Which one of my quotes?
Can’t quite recall now Katie, and the podcast isn’t up yet. I’ll take a look a little later and come back to you.
My connection’s not good enough to get internet radio.

Looks like after next week I’m going to be working on a couple of large-ish cattle stations, doing God knows what, but it’ll be well-paid work.
I’m still looking for a place to set my arse down. I have several possibles right now, at companies that will get me ribbed mercilessly here (Telstra, TruEnergy, Coles, ANZ, a couple others as well as 2 possibles at home in NZ).
I’d like the idea of working a cattle station, but I have a minimal threshold for hard work and pain, so I’ll stick with the idea of it rather than the reality
The bane of my life. A truly evil outfit.
Hard physical work is…kinda refreshing. Bracing, even. Although Gecko has been getting a lot of customers from cattle stations in A&E now that mustering’s started. But look on the bright side–we have Medicare.
Yep. Thanks. I’ll bear that in mind as I continue to pay my private health premiums. And pay taxes for medi-fucking-care. :censor
I’ll put up a few pics when I start work. Waiting for my mate to get here–he’s visiting a mate in Brisbane who had a serious accident, and one of his pig dogs (he’s a pro hunter) just got killed, which is a bummer. My favourite of the pack, too. An old bull terrier.
Well, I’ve had stuff-all back for all the taxes I’ve paid, so I figure my Medicare isn’t a huge impost on the other taxpayers. Unless I get monstered by a wild bull or flown to Townsville with a snakebite.
Also not on topic, an interesting item:
Stealing Our Elections
I’ve thought about this issue before and have concluded that electoral fraud really should be treated as the highest of crimes, up there with treason.
Think about it – you are ripping off your ENTIRE COUNTRY by committing electoral fraud.
The punishment should be extremely severe – heck, I’d make it a capital offence if I was in charge.
Yeah, me too, St H. It destroys the core of the system and renders government illegitimate.
I agree mate. This sitting on the fence crap does my head in. Either go single-provider government funded health care like Britain and Canada, or go fully private. The hybrid model gives the very worst of both worlds.
Anyways, batteries are going flat. Mine and the iPad. Be back tomorrow..
Good to talk to you.
Is ti time for this Californian to move to “down under”
You’d certainly be very, very welcome Carol. :whoop
The UK just entered it’s first double dip recession since the 70s. Might be seeing a few more of the enterprising ones heading this way…
Not more f-ing poms!? You can’t move for the buggers around here.
Just so long as they’re not the PC clipboard-warrior scumbags, James.
Every Pom and Scot I’m met in NZ has been a scoialist thatvoted Labour thus far… A change would be nice…
You obviously never met me and mine then.
Grrrrrrr!!! :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner :censor