The gangster in the White House:

‘Try this thought experiment: You decide to donate money to Mitt Romney. You want change in the Oval Office, so you engage in your democratic right to send a check.
Several days later, President Barack Obama, the most powerful man on the planet, singles you out by name. His campaign brands you a Romney donor, shames you for “betting against America,” and accuses you of having a “less-than-reputable” record. The message from the man who controls the Justice Department (which can indict you), the SEC (which can fine you), and the IRS (which can audit you), is clear: You made a mistake donating that money….’                      The rest of it

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9 Responses to The gangster in the White House:

  1. GunRights4US says:

    It would be cool if one of those wealthy folks had the balls to sue for slander or libel. No that any spineless judge would uphold it, but it would still be fun to watch.

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    What if George W Bushchad done something like this? Imagine the cry from MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Post and all the other liberal propaganda factories that are carrying water for this thug?

  3. Right Wing Theocrat says:

    I think it was Michelle Malkin wh said that we shouldn’t pretend he some sort of nice guy who’s a bit over his head. Name him for the nasty extremist he is.
    That way people can decide if he is what they want in a president.

  4. Darin says:

    Just another over the top illegal outrage in a list of many.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I can’t understand why the GOP isn’t attacking his legitimacy from every angle – BC, social security and selective services card, and actually going after his criminality in one court after another. His gang of hoods that control him have been planning this for some time and are overwhelming the public with one thing after another Alinsky style ….. And the GOP are like a Possum in the headlights. mawm

    • KG says:

      The only explanation that makes sense to me is that the two parties at the highest levels share common goals, Mawm.
      Has anybody noticed how few and how little Romney has pledged to dismantle/turn back/repeal/prosecute, should he win?
      Just like Key/Klark in NZ, it’s all the same damn gang.

  6. Anonymous says:

    :censor politicians! :rant