Traitor in the White House.

‘Obama’s representatives in Europe are on an apology and outreach mission to affirm US solidarity with “marginalized” Muslim enclaves and pressing foreign governments to open up their institutions to accommodate Islamic cultural norms (i.e., to become more Sharia compliant).In Spain, the U.S. Ambassador Alan Solomont told Muslims assembled at the town hall-like meeting in the heart of Barcelona’s old city that Barack Obama wants to improve America’s image in the Middle East as quickly as possible by closing the “dark chapters” of the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the war in Afghanistan.’            source

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12 Responses to Traitor in the White House.

  1. Right Wing Theocrat says:

    Reminds me of his – I can be a much better lackey after the election – to the Russians.

    Can’t wait for Americans to boot him out.

  2. Katie says:

    A second term of Obama will have him come out as a Muslim, force Shar’ia on the US, and force everyone to convert to Islam or become Dhimmis.

  3. oswald bastable says:

    Now I seem to recall that the Sock Puppet was going to pull the troops back home ASAP.

    Could be a change of mind at the thought of having all those non-believers (who are highly skilled in urban warfare) back in the USA… :gunner

  4. Mr. Scumsucker says:

    Fuck Islam.

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    Alfonzo Rachel pwns Sean Penn, multi-culturalism and Madonna. All in 3 minutes flat, and without breaking a sweat…

  6. WAKE UP says:

    How much longer is this Muslim “President” going to stay in the closet?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      November 7, 2012 will be ‘coming out’ day. It will also be the day the republic dies.

      • KG says:

        Yep. It’s going to come down to a stark choice: mass civil disobedience and/or civil war or the status quo and slavery.

  7. KG says:

    ACORN Whistleblower Says Obama DOJ ‘Has Gone Wild’