Begone. The stench of you and your party has become unbearable. You are a corrupt, illegitimate PM propped up by incompetents, liars and unprincipled “independents”. The Australian people are sick of you and your gang.
‘Gillard crumbles: Thomson quits, and Slipper stands aside for longer’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Red headed Cinderella with her broken slipper does NOT want an election because it will turn her into a pumpkin.
Mind you, looking at her from the E/SE she’s has the right shape now.
Wow! What a masterstroke.
The public are not going to see through this are they? Noooo. :gunner
Honestly, can this pack of incompetent, sleazy liars sink further?
Some good news.
“CONCLUSION: Declaring war on Labor leaning journalists finally licenses them to declare war on her. “
I bet Tony Abbott is enjoying a relaxed Sunday. Juliar is doing his job for him.
Of topic KG, but what is up with your EMAIL address, it keeps bouncing back to me that you don’t exist?
Dunno, Andrei. I’ll mail you, and if you just hit “reply” that might give a clue. Mind you, I’ve had no mail in the Cannae addy for a couple of days now. Very unusual.
I had a bounce yesterday too.
I’ll send you and Andrei another addy, Gantt. Sorry about this.
Okies. Try replying to that addy and I’ll check it straight away.
So you’re still a big fan of Gillard I see K.G….That Bill Shorten interview that has been flashed around the Internet was utterly hilarious…..”Collective incompetence entwined with outright stupidity”……Socialism in a nutshell really.
I loathe the slimy cow, Reverse.
Liberty Sanger was *very* testy on The Bolt Report this morning. When the surrogates act as they do, and when the next leader is behaving as Shorten is, it’s time to stock up on popcorn.
who actually votes labor in Aus anyway?? The Cities are swarming with migrants who vote Labor.
But every Aussie Patriot I talk too can’t stand Liarbor and Juliar :gunner
I go to Queensland every year and even though Labor were in power for nearly 20 years, I cant say i actually met any labor voters??
Talking of Julair, you will enjoy this:
Heh! Good one, Fairfacts. And accurate.
Fascinating, isn’t it, to see the NZ ‘media’ suddenly take a high moral ground (over the Banks donation of course (nothing useful!)).
Yes indeed, Scummy. Amazing, how they’ve suddenly discovered ethics….
This morning’s headline:
‘KICK THEM OUT’: Voters sick of Labor’s desperate power games’
The truly sick thing here- and indicative of the death of democracy- is the fact that voters have no way, no way at all of imposing their will on their employees.
Queensland has just jumped out of the frying pan into the fire with its latest election. Now Newman is so cocky he is spitting in the faces of most of those who supported him with a stupid knee-jerk promise of “the strictest (anti)gun laws in Australia”.
Sorry KG, I’m new to this. A link to what, please? If you mean, can I justify my claim, I can only say that I saw this mentioned on two different news updates on television, last night and it scared the heck out of me.
got it.
Time to remind the bastard who elected him.
Amazing how quickly they forget, isn’t it. He could get away with this as Premier of one of the Mexican states, but (outside of Brisvegas and the Fools Gold Coast) queenslanders are different and he would do well to remember it.
No worries, R.M.
If you see a report in one of the online news services, just copy and paste the address at the top of the page into your comments box, as I did above. It’ll automatically become a link.
Just sent to Newman. Premier Campbell Newman
‘Mr Newman., I note with concern your proposal to introduce the “toughest gun laws in Australia” in response to the spate of shooting by bikie gangs.
We didn’t get rid of a statist, anti-freedom, anti-business government in Queensland in order to endure more of the same from the LNP.
Stricter gun laws are a knee-jerk reaction based on no good evidence (in fact there’s a great deal of evidence which indicates just how useless that approach is) and it has the odour of PR rather than a sober, considered approach to the problem.
Has your government looked at the effectiveness of anti-consorting laws? Has anybody in your department looked at the percentage of gun crimes committed by duly licensed firearm owners? (here’s a tip–it’s miniscule).
Once again, we see a politician taking the easy, short-term approach to a problem and as usual that approach inconveniences and puts to more expense perfectly law-abiding people.
We expected better.
Perhaps it really was a triumph of optimism over experience…..’
Any reply you receive would be good to read. If for no other reason than as a reminder that all of the political classes are deserving of our ire and anger, not just those who are openly our enemies.
Absolutely. We can keep voting them out, but all that gives us is a revolving door, recycling shit.
“Tougher gun laws” are not about making the world safer for the citizens, it is about disarming the citizens to make them more dependent upon the ruling elite and to keep the ruling elite safe from an ever increasing dismayed hoi polloi reeling under their depredations.
Yep. The bikie violence is merely a convenient excuse.
The Howard governments gun laws were a massive failure, the crims can always get guns no matter what laws are enacted.There are far, far more guns on the streets now than there ever were twenty years ago, when the laws were much more relaxed.
So any reasonable person has to conclude that there’s another agenda here, with the talk of still tougher gun laws.
Yep. You only need to look across the Tasman, where with very few exceptions the only kiwis who have guns are the crims.
It seems insane to argue that additional gun laws will somehow prevent gun crime.
Do they think people who routinely ignore laws against murder, mayhem, drug
dealing and gang crime, are somehow going to be persuaded to obey a new gun law?
This posturing is more about the Government talking up a crisis, so they can use it
to impose more regulation. Something I mistakenly thought would be gone with
the socialist pricks just booted out.
“a triumph of optimism over experience…..” Well said
Time to slow down some – just checked this story – the tougher laws relate to the time people convicted of gun crimes will spend in gaol, etc., not to increased ownership restrictions.
Just as well!
(new poster here – hope this works!)
Thanks Jekkie, and welcome.
That’s a relief. (I’m still waiting for a reply from Newman.)