wondering about the explosion in bikie violence?

‘United Motorcycle Council of Queensland blames Middle Eastern-linked bikies for violence
Russell “Camel” Wattie, spokesman for the United Motorcycle Council of Queensland, which represents 16 “patch” clubs, including the Hells Angels, Bandidos and Nomads, told The Courier-Mail there was now a “larger influence” from people of Middle Eastern origin on some clubs and they had “made a mistake letting them in”.’

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30 Responses to wondering about the explosion in bikie violence?

  1. kowtow says:


  2. octagongrappler says:

    Yeah, Its Hard to take this seriously as the Bikies are the biggest drug runners in Aus lol :mrgreen:

    • Adolf Fiinkensein says:

      Actually, it’s not hard at all.

      Criminals (bikies) are smart enough to know that it is best to maintain a low profile. Shooting up shopping malls and machine gunning suburban streets tends to get up people’s nozes and as a result authorities and politicians strive harder to impede ones ‘normal’ criminal activities which , before, were unimpeded.

      Yes, letting a mob of Islamist wogs join up was not the brightest move in the world.

  3. KG says:

    What Adolf said. The fact is, Lebanese assholes have entirely changed the face of bikie crime. Up until recently, the violence was kept pretty much “in-house”.

  4. kowtow says:

    They’re all serious criminals. Drug manufacturing and trafficking is one of the key destructive elements in our society today.Corruption goes side by side.
    Black ,white or inbetween,Christian,Muslim,Jew or atheist they should all be put up against a wall and shot.

    • KG says:

      “Drug manufacturing and trafficking is one of the key destructive elements in our society today.”
      And they pale into insignificance compared with marxist teacher’s unions and unprincipled politicians.
      If we want to deal with ‘destructive elements’, let’s start with those and the power and reach of the bureaucrats.

  5. KG says:

    If drugs could be obtained legally, then the illegal drugs market would cease to exist.

    • octagongrappler says:

      And Coles and Woolies would sell crack KG?? I think if you make drugs legal the same people selling at the moment, will be the ones selling in the future.

      The Govt and greenies talk about making pot legal and that it can be taxed and managed like cigarettes. However Black market Ciggies are on the horizon and we remember what happened in america with booze in the 20s and 30s..

      Its a crime to sell pot, yet making it legal wont end the tinny houses, If its taxed like cigarettes then gangs will still grow and sell the way they do at the moment. Its easier to cultivate cannabis than tobacco thats why its easier to control and tax cigarettes..All you need is a basement and lights or in the bush somewhere??

      • KG says:

        “And Coles and Woolies would sell crack KG??”
        I didn’t suggest that. Drugs could be available on prescription. Firstly, that would control the price. Second, quality. Third, remove the element of criminality which sucks people into a lifestyle they might not otherwise have joined.
        Black market ciggies are on the horizon because the same governments which squander billions on an utterly failed “war on drugs” tax the hell out of cigarettes. It doesn’t have to be so.

        “and we remember what happened in America with booze in the 20s and 30s..”
        We do indeed–and that was the result of prohibition. Why would anybody suggest prohibition of other drugs would be any more successful? It isn’t and it never will be.

        And aside from those arguments, it’s nobody else’s damn business what drugs I choose to use, provided it does no harm to anybody else.

        • kowtow says:

          Difference is that alcohol had been legal ,widely available and frankly an enduring and deeply significant part of western culture.
          To come along and prohibit was simply stupid.

          • KG says:

            Drugs-alcohol being merely one of them- have been an enduring part of almost every culture.
            Weed has been a part of Western culture for at least eighty years, so the stupidity of banning it is on a par with Prohibition.
            You don’t address the other points I made.

            • KG says:

              I don’t dispute that drugs cause a deal of harm. What I do dispute is the current approach to try and control them.

            • Anonymous says:

              The 30’s Prohibition attempted to end a customary practice that had been done for centuries by the vast majority of the population – drinking alcoholic beverages. The illegality of other drugs currently on the statutes is done is the attempt that use of such drugs doesn’t ever become customary, by which legalizing those drugs would carry that risk . . and then there is no turning back.

              • KG says:

                “The illegality of other drugs currently on the statutes is done is the attempt that use of such drugs doesn’t ever become customary.”

                Or to protect powerful vested interests. ;-)
                And please do not comment anonymously.

                • kowtow says:

                  The weed thing is interesting. As I understand it,it was commonly abused among blacks in the south of the USA. Around WW2 it started to spread to the white community,particularly musicians. from there it spread to larger parts of the community. I would not characterise it as part of western culture.Very much a sub culture or even counter culture thing and still is.

                • KG says:

                  Dunno, Kowtow. I know a lot of otherwise perfectly ordinary conservative people who use it.

        • octagongrappler says:

          And aside from those arguments, it’s nobody else’s damn business what drugs I choose to use, provided it does no harm to anybody else.

          Agree with you, but many lefties agree with this yet they expect a truckdriver should fund there law degrees as well..

          • KG says:

            Well, my position on this revolves around the question of harm Vs liberty, and in those cases I’d almost always prefer to come down on the side of liberty.
            Let Darwin take care of clowns who can’t or won’t control their drug intake. Politicians have no special insights which guarantee they’ll make the right call when it comes to laws they feel free to make in such large numbers.
            And the legal drugs kill people in astronomically greater numbers than illegal ones do.
            I find it sickening that somebody can sit, scotch in hand and lecture me about the evils of my past fondness for lysergic acid diethylamide…..

  6. KG says:

    ‘Senior Gold Coast bikies said the Hells Angel was among a group of about 16 bikies from Sydney, mainly of Middle Eastern descent, led by convicted drug producer Peter Sidirourgos, who had been operating a de facto Brisbane city chapter – despite all of them living on the Gold Coast.’

    • octagongrappler says:

      The Outlaws mc are the only club that states all members must be white..

      • Darin says:

        I forget who it was,maybe Timothy Leary,but there was an excellent rant about the new generation of metrosexual bikers,here’s what I remember of it-

        “I remember the good ole days when if you saw a guy on a Harley he got it the old fashioned way and stole it from a Cop”

        The Bikers creed-
        We believe in going our own way,
        No matter which way the rest of the world is going.
        We believe in bucking the systems that’s built to smash individuals like bugs on a windshield.
        Some of us believe in the man upstairs,
        All of us believe in sticking it to the man down here.
        We believe in the sky and we don’t believe in the sunroof.
        We believe in Freedom.
        We believe in dust, tumbleweeds, buffalo, mountain ranges, and riding off into the sunset.
        We believe in saddlebags and we believe that cowboys had it right.
        We believe in refusing to knuckle under to anyone.
        We believe in wearing black because it doesn’t show any dirt… or weakness.
        We believe the world is going soft, but we’re not going along with it.
        We believe in motorcycles rallies that last a week.
        We believe in roadside attractions, gas station hotdogs, and finding out what’s over the next hill.
        We believe in rumbling engines, pistons the size of garbage cans, fuel tanks designed in 1936, freight train sized headlights, chrome and custom paint.
        We believe in flames and skulls.
        We believe life is what you make it and we make it one hell of a ride.
        We believe the machine you sit on can tell the world exactly where you stand.
        We don’t care what anyone else believes. Amen

  7. KG says:

    My thing is rocket-fast Japanese or Italian ‘bikes and racing in the streets..but hey, there’s room for all of us. :mrgreen:

  8. If you look at all the scumbags being arrested and charged, it’s very easy to see where they’re coming from. You’d never hear it from our media though.

    Funny in a way, multi culturalism doesn’t work in criminality either.