Fred On Everything:

‘..Any survey will reveal that most people have no grasp of geography, history, law, government, finance, international relations, or politics. And most people have neither the intelligence nor the interest to learn these things. If schools were not the disasters they are, they still couldn’t produce a public able to govern a nation…’    ‘Enstupidation’

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One Response to Fred On Everything:

  1. Pascal says:

    Which elevates the importance of commentaries such as you provided at Crusader Rabbit. Points of view that are kicked aside in establishment institutions have a chance at reaching a larger audience.

    The terminally stupid are occupying the lower reaches of the bell curve and so do not constitute a large segment of the population. But the just below average to the just above average constitute about 65%. Good ideas coupled with some decent passions can be inculcated over time. It takes money and drenching exposure (propaganda) to get bad ideas to become acceptable. (For example, Romney had to spend 20 times what the others spent in order to get where he is.) We have the advantage when our ideas are good. That outcome conforms to natural law given half a chance.

    Keep plugging away while you still haven’t been silenced. A larger and larger portion of the 65% are noticing. Even the media is noticing — witnessed by their calls for our being censored — so know from that that we are doing something akin to what Fred recommends. “If a child needs a vocation so as to live, give him the training he needs.”

    So give the majority everything you can think of. There are many ideas truly useful to society. Each idea will be picked up by some. The are so many disparate individuals with average intelligence all the ideas will get some use. And the plethora of good ideas gives all the average individuals a chance to contribute. Think of them as the audience that has been largely misled by those in power. You fill the gap every day.