Obama knows all about taqiyya…he uses it, after all.

‘US has reportedly been secretly and strategically releasing captured Taliban fighters, if they promise to give up violence…’

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3 Responses to Obama knows all about taqiyya…he uses it, after all.

  1. Darin says:

    They should be interrogated and then shot,there is no dealing with them and no rehabilitating them,they are beyond redemption. :gunner

  2. kowtow says:

    Watched you tube doco about some shit hole town in Afghanistan and the Marines “retaking “it, that meant establishing a fortress from which to patrol.
    Having done that they were attacked by a sniper. It was a huge exercise to get that 1 guy. When he was killed the officer in charge speculated that he had been trained by the american military and probably gone rogue as his tactics were so good.He had shot several Marines.
    Can’t win a war when it takes so much effort to kill one sniper. Let alone release your captives who will just go back to doing what they enjoy,killing “infidels”.

  3. mort says:

    Do you think they’d put a GPS chip under the skin in one of the insurgents they release, and then take out the nest the little goat shagger runs back to. It’d be important to not destroy the body completely though, because you’d actually want Al Q to find it, then they’d never know which of the catch and release are toxic, and so would probably do the nasty work without the expense to the US Govt.