About that AGW “consensus”:

‘..He took a swipe at the meme about 97% of climate scientists being warmists, trotted out by Prof. Stephen Lewandowsky in The Age that same morning. Delingpole said the original survey from a University of Illinois study sent a poll to 10,000 scientists.
Less than a third replied but didn’t give the sought-for answers. The pollsters were finally reduced to polling 77, of whom 75 gave the right answer. That was all the ‘consensus’ was about. It was like sending out a questionnaire asking, ‘Do bears defecate in the outdoors?’ The questions included, Do you believe the planet is warming? Well, derr. Yes we all believe. Do humans make a significant contribution? Derr again. Obviously, if only via the urban-heat-island effect. Any sane sentient person would say ‘yes’, but even then they didn’t get 100%.
Fact-checked, Delingpole’s claims are correct. The original survey was t0 10,257 scientists and the final group tested was indeed 77…’    Source

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8 Responses to About that AGW “consensus”:

  1. Redbaiter says:

    What a fucking farce.

    These people should be in jail for fraud.

    Look at the cost world wide of this con..!!

    Forget climate change being a threat.

    Fucking lying power at any cost socialists are the most poisonous and dangerous plague on the planet.

    • KG says:

      They are, and the plague looks to be unstoppable any time soon. That Europe could swing to the left as a solution to their economic woes is at first sight incredible, but thinking a little deeper it’s not so surprising. People have been very effectively conditioned to regard the welfare state and big government as the answer to all their problems. Therefore more of the same must be the solution….
      Socialists will keep grabbing the earnings of the productive until that goose is expired. Only then will they be forced to face reality, but before that point arrives they will pillage wealth and property – all property – in order to buy off the barbarians. What we are seeing in the case of wind-farms and other green scams is a mad scramble to transfer public money to their cronies.
      But it cannot work–the price of short-term survival is going to be chaos and misery on a scarcely imaginable scale. As always, though, the corrupt insiders will prosper.

  2. octagongrappler says:

    They kept finding a cause until they could create the global socialist republic!!

    And it seems the choice of the environment is paying dividends… :rant

    • KG says:

      Hope for chaos, Grappler. It’s the last, best chance we have. Insurrection and war, or creeping slavery are going to be the only options eventually.

      • Darin says:

        Bring it! I’m working on Edged weapons this week while waiting on more gun parts,pics to follow KG ;-) .
        Hack and chop was good enough for my ancestors for 10,000 years,it will be again when I run low on ammo :gunner :twisted: :twisted:

  3. Cadwallader says:

    All I add is congratulations to KG and the majority of contributors here in that AGW was never accepted and widely questioned. There were a few (a very few) in the MSM with the same stance but essentially the line was accepted without doubt. The AGW can now be consigned to the trash bin. How about a demand that Gore return his Nobel Prize? Fat chance!

  4. Andrei says:

    Even if it were true – how anybody in their right mind could believe that trading “emissions” ie forcing people who make real things to buy imaginary things from people who don’t make anything at all would stop the North pole from melting (which it isn’t anyway) beggars belief.

    I don’t believe it when people ring me up a tell me my computer is buggering up the internet and I don’t believe it when the elite tell me my 100 watt incandescent light bulb is killing polar bears.

    Both propositions are bonkers