‘The naked face of the enemy”

‘..Political salvation has become extremely unlikely. Yes, I meant what I said in this essay about the desirability of buying time. We need time for the general recognition of the war between “us” and “them” to burgeon and mature. But I can’t see a reversal of the trend through political mechanisms alone as plausible.
If that’s the case, we can go in only two directions from here:
•    Acceptance of de jure subjugation, coupled with as much “underground resistance” as is possible to us;
•    Open armed revolt.
Francis W. Porretto
Arrives at the position Wabbit has held for some time now. This is not to say “I told you so” but rather to suggest that even the most peaceable and reasonable people are coming to the same conclusion.

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3 Responses to ‘The naked face of the enemy”

  1. K2 says:

    See Soviet Union – downfall of. No armed revolt needed there, none needed here. Just enough people fed up and willing to stand up against a system that doesn’t work and is hopelessly corrupt.

    • KG says:

      The present system in Russia is hopelessly corrupt too, K2 so nothing’s changed much. And an ex-KGB operative is in charge, courtesy of a corrupt electoral process and a cowed press. So their “peaceful revolution” is worth stuff-all. (or about as much as our elections are)

  2. Kris K says:

    “Arrives at the position Wabbit has held for some time now. This is not to say “I told you so” but rather to suggest that even the most peaceable and reasonable people are coming to the same conclusion.”

    Dead right, KG – the writing has been on the wall for quite some time now.

    The writing on the wall: “MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN” – (a paraphrase of Daniel 5:24-28) – Your days are numbered, you have been weighed in the balance and have been found wanting, you will be divided through conquest.

    Just waiting for the conquest to begin …