
Does any green loony scheme work as advertised?
‘AUSTRALIA’S switch to low-energy light bulbs is creating a new environmental disaster as tonnes of the mercury-filled fluorescent lamps end up in council landfills.’

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13 Responses to bawaaahahaha!

  1. oswald bastable says:

    Off topic, although this clip of the F-35 doing carrier ops will have greenies weeping into their tofu!

  2. Cadwallader says:

    What did I recently note about Peter Garrett?

    • KG says:

      Exactly–everything the clown touches turns to shit.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        The killer pink batts project happened on his watch too. Hey, maybe that’s his contribution to Dr Eric Pianka’s (see the Poretto post in your next article) 90% reduction target? Either that, or maybe the police are still comducting their investigation into his gross negligence before laying charges?

  3. KG says:

    Here ya go, Cad….sounds like that dinner party of yours. :lol:
    ‘..THE ARROGANCE OF the Progressives was inherited by the Liberals, whose sense of moral superiority sometimes renders them incapable of engaging in debate with conservatives—especially when that moralism is augmented by intellectual and social snobbery…’

  4. I don’t think any green policy has worked.
    The law of unintended consequences seems to strike- always.
    Take biofuels. they led to the ripping up of rainforest habitat , they push up the price of food, and the manufactiuring process is as co2 intensive as normal fuels.
    Take windmaills. they spoil the environment, kill birds , and their turbines use rare metals from China, whose extraction is very polluting.
    Electric cars are the same. They use those rare metals too. Also, if their electricity is from coal or oil fired power stations, they are less energy efficient than petrol fuelled cars.
    I could go on, but yes, I cannot think of a green policy that actually works.
    This is why the World Wildlife Fund calls for ‘global poverty.’
    Leighton Smith on Newstalk ZB seemed quite incredulous over it.
    I wonder what Russel Norman thinks?
    He wants to be finance minister, but should we let him if he supports such nonsense?

    • Katie says:

      Actually the green project convincing all of us to grow our own veggies is going very well. I’ve got tomatoes, onions and jalapenos planted around my living room.

      Salsa anyone?

  5. Rufus says:

    When they first started pushing these lightbulbs in NZ, I emailed my local council, and asked how were were to safely dispose of them, seeing as they contain mercury.

    I also asked them how we were to clean up a burnt/melted one (happens more frequently than you’d think – as my fireman brother-in-law tells me).

    In America they’ve been discovering that the mercury stays in your carpets for months afterwards. Nice if you’ve got toddlers around.

    Greenie Numpty at the council had no clue. Probably had no idea what mercury is.

    Told me to just bin them, and if one burnt up in a bedroom, just vacuum it all up.

    No idea whatsoever.

    LEDs are long overdue.