Raising the cost of tyranny.

Some idle speculation about a purely hypothetical country..
Assume the political process is utterly broken and the government is now openly tyrannical.
General protests, both peaceful and violent will be put down by police and the Garde Nationale. (see Syria). Groups protesting are readily identifiable and can be contained / detained or infiltrated and destroyed.
In any case, anti-government groups clashing with government supporters will simply limit the violence to people who have no say in the political process, and both will be mere tools to be manipulated by politicians.
The alternative is to raise the cost of tyranny for lawmakers and bureaucrats–including judges– and the way to do that is with a series of carefully timed and targeted assassinations. When the personal costs and dangers begin to alter their lives (and the lives of their families) they will become participants, not directors. And they’re unlikely to enjoy the experience.

Command: Not really necessary, in the traditional sense.
The targets can be named beforehand and be well publicised by various means. So can the trigger, which will be anything from a declaration of martial law to the use of the Army against civilians on home soil.
Those prepared to act will know when the time has arrived and the targets they need to seek out. The first high-profile assassination will be a clear signal to the others. Ideally they will have done their homework and know the locations and personal routines and habits of the likely targets beforehand.
Think 100 or more Breiviks.– loners planning “below the radar” in almost totally secure environments. And if sniping is the tool, then there’s also no paper trail of chemical purchases and so forth. The equipment already exists and is already legally in the right hands.
When they go into action only conventional police work will be of any use in apprehending them. Large paramilitary units will be useless. Ballistics test will also be useless if the practice of “one shot, one weapon” is followed. In other words, fire the shot and dump the weapon, then move on to another weapon, concealed beforehand.
I believe it wouldn’t take the killing of very many high-profile targets before the government would be forced to moderate or abandon its plans or to double down on them – and alienate most of the population.
The consequences of tyranny need to be brought home to those responsible–and their supporters in academia and the media.

(I realise that this isn’t a closely-argued post, something I simply don’t have the energy for right now. But if what needs to be done and who needs to be targeted become the points of general agreement, this thing could take on a life if it’s own and leadership would be unnecessary)

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18 Responses to Raising the cost of tyranny.

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    I wonder how much Commentary traffic you’ll see n ths post, in these dangerous days of Patriot II and NDAA.

    Anyhoo, I should just add that the weapons secured by these 100 hypothetical patriots would need to be found upside of official channels. Easy enough in the US, just say go to a gun fair, say you’re Mexican and working for one of the “families” and the DoJ will give you whatever you need.

    Somewhat more difficult were thus hypothetical action to be staged in, say, Australia or New Zealand.

    • KG says:

      I don’t think it could ever work in NZ and Oz, Gantt. Neither country has the same attitudes towards liberty that the people in our hypothetical country have.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        No agreed. And I think it goes back to the founding. Both NZ and Aus were founded by Britain. Their founding was state-sanctioned. America was founded when patriots stuck 2 fingers up at britain. And neither NZ or Aus has a covenant which articulates the power and authority of government (these days in America, the covenant is known as His Imperial Majesty’s Toilet Roll).

        • KG says:

          Yep. We have “liberty” as a gift from and at the discretion of government. Americans have it as a hard-won right.

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            Exactly. It’s amazing when I’m talking to kiwis or Aussies and explain to them that the only “rights” they have are those given them by government. Even more so when I tell ‘me those “rights” can be taken away at the stroke of a pen. I like the term “Parliamentary Dictatorship”. We have no right of recall. We have no provision for binding referenda. Our only power comes once every 3 years, when we get to choose one group of statist Utopians or the other.

            It’s why I believe the current “constitutional review” underway in New Zealand marks the death of even a pretense of liberty. They should be looking to model the US constitution, plugging gaps where necessary (firming up the eligibility criteria for a start) but no, they’re looking at the constitution of … Bolivia! It has everything an aspiring dictator could want. It is animistic, communist and racist to boot.

            • Darin says:

              The left hates our Constitution,the reason is simple,our rights are endowed to us by our Creator and not the government or any man.They are as integral as our body and soul and cannot be separated.
              The left has always misread and misrepresented what the Document says,despite the Federalist Papers and have used it to achieve their agenda time and time again regardless of the cost in blood and treasure.Thankfully our ancestors have always adapted and overcome.

  2. If it ever gets to the point of a Syria or China, there will be queues forming to kill the architects of it.

    Even if there is no America, it’s the western way, sooner or later, now or in 50 years, the bastards always push too much and the westerners will come for them and they’d better pray he isn’t in the mood to kill you slowly.

  3. WAKE UP says:

    Nice timing that you wrote this right now, KG — I had a nightmare last night, in which a BLACK America had started behaving like African countries do.

    Wait a minute… :mrgreen:

  4. mawm says:

    with a series of carefully timed and targeted assassinations.

    A right wing Red Brigades! :whoop :gunner

    There are few politicians and other “high profile” individuals around NZ that need to feel that slight tremor of fear for having promoted policies or for having done backroom deals that are distinctly disliked by the majority of the population. :mrgreen:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Hypothetically, an Attorney General working to bring about an apartheid state, where one racial group is superior to all others, ought to feel the hairs on the back of his neck prickling, ought he not?

      • mawm says:

        Along with persons sneaking off to NY to sign UN treaties and those taxing us for loony ideas such as AGW.

    • KG says:

      You’re on to it, Mawm. :whoop I remarked to somebody last night that their techniques were very carefully thought out, but the mistake they made (fortunately) was to put too much information into their member’s hands. One cracks, the whole lot comes apart. They’d have been more successful had they used what I call a Ddos attack…distributed denial of security for the politicians and other perps. And no command structure at all.

  5. Kris K says:

    Of course it wasn’t that long ago when acts of treason still attracted the death penalty in NZ. I think it was the Klarkenfuhrer who ‘amended’ this law – funny that.

    Time for a binding referendum, methinks.

    [Yeah I know; the sheep will never go for it, and our ‘lawmakers’ would never permit it.]

    Oh well, back to the Breivik solution for some surgical cancer removal … what other option is left to those who love freedom and liberty?

  6. andy5759 says:

    Thank the Lord that there would never be cause for such radical surgery in Britain. :roll:

    Where would we get the “scalpels”?