
I’d love to see the methodology of this “study”:
‘Smokers support tighter regulation and eventual ban’
This is how it’s done

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10 Responses to Horsecrap!

  1. Andrei says:

    That is government funded activism justifying ever more tax for them to spend on the crap they support.

    Next target soft drinks

    And hamburgers of course

  2. Andrei says:

    I don’t believe it was done in that Yes Minister fashion

    I think the cunts just made it up

  3. KG says:

    It wouldn’t surprise me. Russians now have more liberty than we have. How bloody ironic!

  4. mara says:

    This is kissing the arse of the maori party… or if you prefer, a coalition deal. Oh the irony in making fags more expensive for a minority that already neglects its kids because the dole already doesn’t go far enough to cover the TAB, pokies and beer. Key knows that this will lead to more marijuana use and dairy robberies, among other “unintended consequences” but heh, that’s where the massively expensive, useless maori whanau ora program kicks in. I am SICKENED by the sheer fucking duplicity of a Party that I once respected. Puke.

  5. KG says:

    The worst of it–the unbelievable stupidity of it–is that National remains way up in the polls!
    What does that say about the Kiwi electorate?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Nothing. It speaks to a lack of alternatives for the many people who don’t see an option outside of the two main parties. The “leadership” of Team Red is a joke, going so far as to try and avoid a process server! The Team Blue “leaders” could be a pack of separtist Marxist a-holes … (oh hang on, I’ll just put a full stop here).

      • KG says:

        I think it does say something, Gantt. The lack of real choice is no excuse–whatever happened to the “a plague on both their houses” answer?

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          People have been conditioned to participate in the process. Most people have been conditioned to cheer for Team Red or Team Blue. Frighteningly, many people have decided to cheer for Team Green. They are I’ll-informed and uncaring, not able to understand that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Tus, they vote themselves an ever-larger share of Other People’s Money, then complain when “their” power companies are “sold” to pay the bills. Ry don’t understand the direct link between their voting patterns and the issues with their costs of living. And that’s before any real pain sets in.