‘Whispering the Truth in Obama’s America’

‘..If Obama is pushing out our best and brightest entrepreneurs to distant shores, who’s he pulling in?
Well, here’s an interesting fact: a new survey reveals that the number of Muslims in the U.S. has soared 67% since the 9/11 attacks.  Thanks to our State Department’s massive importation of Muslim immigrants, Islam is now the fastest growing religion in America, up from 1 million in 2000 to 2.6 million today…’                          the rest of it

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10 Responses to ‘Whispering the Truth in Obama’s America’

  1. kowtow says:

    So called human rights/civil rights laws must be repealed.The only people who benefit are illegal immigrants ,criminals or the types who have no real love of our countries and traditions.
    How did we manage without all this crap up to the ’70s?

  2. Kris K says:

    Yet more evidence that Marxists and Muslims share the same goals regarding the destruction of [what’s left of] the Judeo-Christian West.

    Useful idiots, the likes of which can see no fault in Marxist traitors like Obama, enable and hasten this destruction. Thick as pigshit sheep – they really are like lambs to the slaughter.

  3. Ronbo says:

    More Muslims in the USA than 2000?

    Thanks State Department Department for making a more target rich environment for Muslim Hunting Season (No bag limit) :mrgreen:

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    Here’s something that confounds me (well it doesn’t. I know why this situation exists, but then I’m a right-wing nutcase conspiracy theorist birther. And that’s according to my friends).

    Mo’s Book of War and Pedophilia says that anyone who tries to leave the Cult of Death is an “apostate” and must be killed. Must, mind you.

    Barry killed Osama bin Laden (he did, I tell you. Just ask him), one of Islam’s great warrior heroes.

    Barry Soetero was a good Muslim boy back in Indonesia, but now he’s “evolved” into Barack Hussein Obama, he’s a good Christian boy, embodying the Love of Christ through Reverend Wright and Black Liberation.

    So, he’s killed their hero, and left their cult. Where’s the fatwa? Why is Geert Wilders marked for death but Barry isn’t?

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    Michele Malkin on the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST):


  6. Mark says:

    It’s time to deport Musilms back to their countries where it is paradise supposedly. Muslims are so queer and like doing child rape, they will do well back in thier own countries rather than coming here.