‘..The Department of Homeland Security has been forced to release a list of keywords and phrases it uses to monitor social networking sites and online media for signs of terrorist or other threats against the U.S.
….Department chiefs were forced to release the manual following a House hearing over documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit which revealed how analysts monitor social networks and media organisations for comments that ‘reflect adversely’ on the government.
However they insisted the practice was aimed not at policing the internet for disparaging remarks about the government and signs of general dissent, but to provide awareness of any potential threats…’
Seems to me they contradict themselves, right there in the bolded section…
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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That CLOUD I saw in MEXICO looked just like a PORK chop.
That should drive the Feds wild.
:whoop :popcorn
Sheesh! You’re on the database now, Katie. Probably described as a “well-trained and armed militia member”.
Possible domestic terrorist. Likely conservative. Perhaps even one of those racist Tea Party members!
Now for the red-flag part of the comment:
I wonder if Homeland Security has considered Obama’s people the terrorists in al Qaeda might use gangs or cartels to launch an attack from Mexico and spread their terrorism by wrapping a dirty bomb in pork and having it explode in a cloud, spraying HAZMAT all over the secret service team!
I wonder if I’m on anyone’s list now! :popcorn
Knock, knock. Oh wait, there’s someone at the door. :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner
Bye bye, The Gantt Guy
Purrhaps I am KG. Purrhaps I am.
Although I hate pink, I love this pink.
I’m sure we all got there long ago without the use of those 3 little words. The most likely top three would be something like “Kenyan, Muslim, arsehole”.