“..The Statist’s Utopia can take many forms, and has throughout human history, including monarchism, feudalism, militarism, fascism, communism, national socialism, and economic socialism. They are all the same species–tyranny. The primary principle around which the Statist organizes can be summed up in a single word–equality...”
‘Liberty and Tyranny’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Fucking right on man.
I just got the book from Amazon this morning, RB. And every damn page is quotable. It ought to be required reading in schools.
Absolutely. It’s exactly what the subtitle says it is: a Conservative Manifesto. The way Levin chronicles the waste of the founding articles that established the most magnificent and beautiful national structure ever devised by man, to the point now where a Kenyan Moslem is using it for toilet paper, is truly depressing. It just shows that even when constrained by such devices of brilliance as enumerated powers, those who crave power are so corrupt they twist the words and thoughts of the framers to their own vile ends.
I got L&T right between my Bible and and my Hatcher’s notebook,top shelf material all the way.
“..the most magnificent and beautiful national structure ever devised by man”
Ain’t that the truth!
can be summed up in a single word–equality…
Yep, as long as the ruling elite don’t have to be equal as well.
The IMF’s Christine Lagarde has shown her total disregard for the masses by having the temerity to critisize the Greeks about not paying their income tax. Below is part of her terms of employment:-
3. (a) Your salary as Managing Director of the Fund shall be $467,940 per annum. As explained in Section 14(b) of the By-Laws, this salary shall be net of income taxes.
(b) You will receive an allowance in the aggregate amount of $83,760 per annum, similarly net of any income taxes, payable in equal monthly installments, without any certification or justification by you, to enable you to maintain, in the interests of the Fund, a scale of living appropriate to your position as Managing Director and to the Fund’s need for representation. In addition, you will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses actually incurred for entertainment directly related to the business of the Fund.
“Net of any income taxes” is a UN way of getting around the different taxes national from different countries are obliged to pay. Essentially is boils down to a tax-free salary as the UN pays them for you.
The UN is your enemy. :rant
And the cow says she’s more concerned about education in Africa than the situation in Greece!
Hmmm. There’s a run on Greek banks (who can blame them, and this keynesian socialist is talking about educating children in Africa? For what? What education does a bloody Ethiopian pirate need? And why not worry about Greece? Does she think the Krauts will continue to look after them forever?
Anyways, I found this discussion about Greece pretty interesting. There are clear lessons for other failing economies, such as NZ, especially in Yaron Brooks’s closing statement.
Christine has a Chicago connection too-
i found this article interesting too
Why the hell would anybody from the Republican side listen to Colin Powell? He’s the ultimate turn-coat. A farking Osama bin Kenya fan! This BS on Hannity just shows he is the worst of the Republicans: a reach-across-the-aisle-and-surrender-to-tyranny arsehole!
He was the one responsible for the mess in Iraq.The bureaucratic approach where we sent in Paul Brenner and his army of staffers was his idea.
Allowing Saddam to fly choppers after the first gulf war was also his brain child.I never was a fan of his and never will be,he is a RINO in the textbook sense.I can garandamtee you he is only popping up in the media now because he is being suggested as a VP choice.
Now watch in utter disgust as Romney will probably pick him as a VP knowing the f—king repub establishment the way we do :censor :censor :censor
Powell as VP??????