Wabbit just bought this. Marlin 336W in .30-30. Perfect for plinking…..
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Now I just need to pick Oswald Bastable’s brain concerning reloading….
If I can keep Gecko’s sticky fingers off it…she likes lever guns.
We’ll get her a .22 Magnum, which means the bases will be covered.
I like .22mag,I buy a brick or two everytime I go to the store
Next payday :whoop
One of these:
Ideal for the man on the move!
Thanks Oswald.
Brilliant! That looks ideal. All I need now is more detailed instructions, loading data etc.

Relaoding data- tons on-line. just stick to the people who make the stuff
The Lee site has lots of ‘how to’ info:
Good stuff. Thanks for the links, I’ll go take a look and save them. We’ll be getting a couple of hundred rounds to start, so there’ll be no lack of brass.
Oh! How sad! Note the sheriff’s comments…..
I wonder if this idiot had any kids. If not put him in for a Darwin Award.
This is a fantastic Kruiser rant in support of military personnel…
Appropriate for Memorial Day, I reckon.
..Up at Tumba-bloody-rumba shootin’ kanga-bloody-roos… :gunner
I’m also a bit surprised that nobody has told me the .30-30 isn’t enough gun.
“I’m also a bit surprised that nobody has told me the .30-30 isn’t enough gun”
.30-30 is a respectable caliber,and you do have more than a few with the tubular mag.And you’ve got the scope so you can start shooting at a distance and maybe have time to reload before the Pig gets to you
Happy now?
Heh…The scope will be a red dot or ghost ring sight just as soon as I can organize it. There’s only time for the one shot in the heavy scrub around here anyway.
And what’s a “respectable caliber” when placed in the left ear of a mouse ain’t necessarily so under other circumstances, non?
But the numbers don’t look too bad and the ammo’s not eye-wateringly expensive, provided I stay away from the new pointy stuff.
I’ve heard good things about the Hornady Monoflex ammo,bit pricey,but looks to do the job-
More deer taken with that round than all the rest in the US. Same ballistics as the 7.62×39 and that round is also a proven one!
I was surprised, looking at the numbers, Os. <> 2000fps/150gr is pretty respectable. And the ammo Darin’s talking about stretches the range out a lot.
Hmmm..and the bullets are listed on the Hornady site as $40/100, which makes reloading kinda sorta cheapish.
Thanks for the link, Darin.
Hey KG……need advice: what is the better calibre for a “survival”/plinking rifle – .22LR or .22 mag?
I think the .22Mag, by a country mile John. It will bring down medium sized thin skinned game no trouble, and inflict minimal tissue damage on smaller stuff, especially using solids. It has much greater range and far superior delivered energy out to 100+ metres. Against that, the only drawbacks are slightly more expensive ammo (but if you buy it in bricks it’s pretty cheap) and more noise. The noise might matter in a survival rifle.
Thx KG……makes sense – have just seen a secondhand Krico .22 and Anschutz .22mag…..both nice!
mmmm…Anschutz make beautiful rifles, John. Super-accurate, too.
For plinking cans, of course! :gunner