N.Z.: ‘There are not enough policewomen at senior levels, a Commission of Inquiry into police conduct has found.’
Nowhere in the article does it spell out why having more policewomen at senior levels is either necessary or desirable.
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They need a “gay” or two and perhaps a transsexual as well to complete the diversity pack.
Yep–that’ll lower the crime rate, for sure.
Maybe we need more female cops to deal with this
This is nuts: There may as well be a call for more left-handed cops!
As a south-paw* myself (all the good ones are) I feel under-represented and discriminated-against by the unsafe hiring practices engaged in by NZ Police. Additionally, their refusal to purchase left-handed tasers, pistols and night-sticks discriminates against those few lefties lucky enough to make it through the discriminatory hiring process.
Can I have my compensation now, please?
* I almost said “leftie” there. Paging Dr Freud!
I am left-handed too. Living with a handicap….where’s my benefit?
That perhaps wouldn’t be as bad, Cad. This Wabbit has pretty strong views about women in senior positions in the armed forces and the police…..
Just another attempt at destroying traditional male bastions.
Mind you senior “management” in the UK seems to have capitulated anyway. The diversity agenda is well developed there. Where England goes…….
I see the article says 25 % of recruits are women already…….far too many.
Only about 5 % of the total force should be women.
Agree, kowtow.
Well, it might help my fetish for police uniforms. But that’s about all.
:whoop :whoop “zipper front” eh…..
I hope the rich prick is happy.
Original comment from rich prick about a police uniform fetish. I did the research, so you didn’t have to.
“Thank you” will suffice. :whoop :cheers
Thank you. :cheers
Hey, I hope Mara isn’t lurking today, else you know what Mr Mara will be wearing next Date Night!
Reminiscent of a Larry Pickering cartoon featuring a certain Welsh Communist Woodpecker?
yep. And wasn’t that a beauty?
Bookmarked :cheers
Mr Gantt, I do not lurk. I loiter and anyway, fuck knows what you boys would get up to if I weren’t here to moderate your vile, base tendencies. And language.
As for the senior policewimmin item, it is a classic example of why so-called journalists need a few words tattooed on to their foreheads, as a reminder when looking in mirrors, to ask themselves before printing any statement from any pubic servant, bureaucrat or politician ……. WHAT(the fuck), HOW, WHY,WHEN and WHERE?
btw, those silly cop costumes don’t come in my size; just for titless wonders who wouldn’t impress a REAL man like my old chap. So there.
Yes, Mara
Sorry, Mara
Along I notice you didn’t suggest Mr Mara *wouldnt* be wearing a naughty copper uniform next Date Night! :whoop
I’m pleased you remembered, mara.
:whoop :whoop :whoop “vile, base tendencies”. Love it!
Glad I’m not included in that, being the responsible older moderator and all. :popcorn
Sigh KG. Ca va sans dire# that I hold you largely responsible for the wickedness of your posters, even though I’m SURE you don’t ACTIVELY encourage it.
# for the uncultured barbarians among us; thankfully few … It goes without saying …..
I suppose my contributing feminist poetry or something of that ilk would be out of the question? :popcorn
“I suppose my contributing feminist poetry or something of that ilk would be out of the question? ”
You suppose correctly. Feminist “poets” should be sentenced to hard labour in the nearest topless bar and hired out to do housework for Arabs every night after their shift finishes.
I don’t know…… After looking at this maybe we need more police women. :whoop
Scroll down a bit…….. :popcorn
You have a point, Mawm.
I would have thought that the problems of incompetence, corruption and the good old boys at the top of the tree would have been spotlighted as more important than pc gender-based organisational engineering.
Hey, anyone book a taxi to Piha? Was it you Mr Ricketts?
Police culture does need to change.
This weekend senior “management” is bullying motorists again. Look at the photo. Which one would you not want as back up? If there is to be equality then the girls need to be as big as the boys. Not withstanding GG’s earlier pictorial “study”.
:wtf They’re recruiting midgets now?
Thomas Sowell, love that man, said “No matter how egalitarian our speech may be, it remains true that women, in general, make very bad men and men cannot be women at all.”
Of course policing is enhanced by having women in some duties, but to appease the PC brigade and feminists, all good sense was abolished. It was also postulated that violent thugs would not attack a copper who was small and female, out of a sense of masculine honour. Ho fucking ho. I don’t blame cops male or female for the crap that comes from the top. Mainly they are just mushrooms; captive and fed with manure.
It’s only desirable to those who want to burnish their PC credentials.We out here have seen that it has a detrimental effect on policingand community safety.